21- The End~

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And thus, the slow updates on author-Chan have finally come to an end...

(I feel like this chapter is boring??? Ugh I'm so sorry...)

-Toffee's POV:

I jolted awake with a scream.

I felt as though I was born again.

I felt as though I had just gone through my life twice.

All of my memories....

All of my life....

Has been replayed in my mind by force.

I hate it.

I hate having to deal through all of the pain again.

I shook my head as a new rage boiled inside of me...

I looked left then right and nothing was in the room.

Nothing except the royal wand.

-Eclipsa's POV:

"....clipsa! Eclipsa! Wake up!"

I groaned as I slowly opened my heavy eyelids....

My vision was blurry and I had to blink a few times to get it back to normal....

I tried getting up but dizziness took over me and I collapsed back down on the floor....

"Sorry.... Looks like my spell took a hard hit on you." A familiar voice spoke...

My eyes widened in alarm as the princess' smiling face came into my vision...


But I stopped, as memories of the occurred events flashed throughout my head....

She understands.

I saw her extend her hand down toward me and I hesitated for a second before smiling slightly and grabbing her hand...

She pulled me up and I wobbled, feeling lightheaded.

The princess quickly took a hold of my shoulders to keep me in balance.

"Come on, this isn't over yet." She said, once I restored my composure....

I nodded and followed close behind her, my heart thumping in anticipation...

(Time skip....)
-Star's POV:

"NO!" I yelled as I opened the doors to find Toffee grabbing my wand from the floor....

His lizard-like eyes widened as the wand glowed and merged perfectly into his green hand....

Fear took over me as a wicked smile spread into his face and he aimed the wand directly at me...

It glowed a dark green color....

'Dark magic' I thought angrily...


I jumped out of the way just in time to not get hit.




"STAY STILL LITTLE BUTTERFLY~ I JUST WANNA TALKKKKK...." He screamed in a menacing manner...



I bit my lip and looked around the room...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now