8~ Hidden Wand...

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I'm back with another part!

-Jackie's POV:

I struggled to get free on my chair as the Hat Lady called her "Spy" over...

The person walked towards her into the light and I gasped...

"YOU?? How could you do this?!"

The person only smirked as a response, showing his sharpened teeth...

I looked in disbelief as they left, but not before Eclipsa whispering something in the person's ear...

"You three watch her! I need to make sure this plan works."

With that said, she left along with everyone else...

Leaving me alone with three monsters to make sure I don't try to escape.

-Star's POV:

"We need to find a way to get into Eclipsa's fortress.."

"Yeah but how? She must already know we're coming over to her so it must be some kind of trap." Marco argued...

Dad had left and taken mom into a room, to watch her until she wakes up...

"Okay but like.... WHY are we going to save the girl who betrayed you? I know this is kind of selfish but shouldn't we leave her? It's her fault she got caught in the first place..." Kelly pointed out...

I sighed...

"We're not only going to free her. The main reason we're going over there is to get my wand."

"But are you completely sure Jackie has it? What if you didn't look well enough."

"We've checked everywhere and I ordered some maids to look around the castle too. If they would've found it, they would've told me."

Marco sighed...

"So what's the plan then? Are we sure she's in the same fortress as before? And if she is... Do you even remember where it is?"

"I think I can help you with that." A voice spoke from the door....

We turned our heads and my eyes widened...



-Jackie's POV:

I looked around the room...

These monsters would get bored eventually and maybe fall asleep...

And as soon as they did, I would be out of here.

The room was big, with windows that were too high to reach but the door wasn't too far away for me to be able to jump toward in the chair...

It was supported by pillars but there was no other furniture in the room apart from the chair I was sitting in...

Two of the monsters were laying on some pillars on either side of my chair but one was standing right in front of me...

I met his gaze...

It felt like he was staring into my soul.

His eyes narrowed...

"Don't try anything, peasant. Unless you want a death wish." He spat...

"You wouldn't kill me." I smirked...

"Oh yeah? You wanna bet?" His gruff voice echoed throughout the room...

"I'm your bait. I'm the only reason the princess is coming. So, you can't kill me."

"Sure... We can't kill you now.... but once the princess gets visual proof that your here and breathing we can kill you easily and once she gets here, the only thing she'll be bringing back with her is your corpse."

I gulped and looked away...

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm the fear building up inside my chest...

'If only there was some way to get my hands free....'

I looked around the room once more...






All of the sudden a memory played in my brain and I held in a gasp....




The wand!

I had put it in my pocket because I didn't want anyone to suspect it was me if I put it away!

Maybe I can use that to get free....

I tried moving my hand from the metal cuff that was holding it toward the pocket of my dress (Yes, Star's wedding dress has pockets.)

'If only I could.... reach.... my..... pocket....'

-Toffee's POV:

Eclipsa sat down to my right, sighing as she slumped in her seat...

"Trouble in paradise?" I chuckled...

"Oh please. This is anything BUT paradise. Once I take over the kingdom though.... THAT is when you can call it paradise."

"Yes... Monsters and Mewmans will finally have to treat us as equals instead of a vermin. We will finally be able to live in peace without so many Mewmans kicking us out or yelling at us."

Eclipsa nodded enthusiastically at my side...

"And I'll finally have what's rightfully mine. That thrown was my family's since the beginning and they kicked me out... But when I tried to claim it again, NOPE. They would shut me out and isolate me with a magic force field in the middle of a forest."

I smiled with sympathy...

"But that experience only made you stronger. More determined. Now with our joined forces we shall never fail..."

She smiled and brought a hand to my shoulder...

"Thank you, Toffee. I forgot what it was like to be able to be yourself around someone. To have someone to trust. It got very lonely in that forest..."

I placed my hand on my shoulder, on top of her's...

"It's my pleasure to be trusted by you-"

I got cut off when the door to the thrown room opened, revealing a monster...

Eclipsa quickly pulled her hand away from mine and we both sat straight...

The monster stopped in front of the two thrones and bowed...

"Master Toffee... Queen Eclipsa. I bring news."

"Speak." I said...

"The Spy on Mewni castle has informed us that the princess does not yield her wand."


I placed my hand in front of her...


"The Spy informes us that it is not the princess that yields the wand... but the girl."

"The peasant?"

The monster nodded...

A growl escaped her mouth as she stood up...

"Fetch me my Interrogation Scepter. I'm going to have a little chat with our guest..."



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