13~ Traitor.

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*maniacal laughter*


As I was about to reply I heard slow-clapping.





"Well done, detective Butterfly! You found my hideout and even figured out the peasant was in this very room!"

We all froze at the sound of that voice...

We slowly turned around to look at the figure standing on the doorway...

Wand glowing brightly in her hand.....











It was Eclipsa and Toffee.

-Star's POV:

"ECLIPSA?! W-Where's Tom???"

"What Did you do to him?" I heard Kelly ask...

Eclipsa looked confused....


After a second, her confused face turned into a smug look...

"Oh! You mean..... our Spy?"


He emerged from the doorway, not meeting all of our gazes...

I heard gasps from around the room but I was too busy being furious to be surprised.

"You're working with HER?!" I said in disbelief...

The anger boiling inside of me was unbearable...

And I had to clench my fists so that I would punch that stupid demon in the face.

I trusted him.

And he betrays me AND all of Mewni!!

He didn't reply as some monster guards stepped into the room...

I readied my sword as they crept closer.

There's no way we'll lose.

"Guards.... You know what to do." I heard Toffee's cold voice command, as I furrowed my eyebrows...

The monsters charged forward and I dodged, swinging my sword and managing to cut one's arm...

He screamed in pain and held his wounded arm.

I spun around and swung my sword again...

But this monster managed to dodge and instead he threw a punch at me...

I ducked and swung the heavy sword again...

I missed.

He swung his scaly fist at me but I dodged once again...

Then I did something unexpected....

I laughed.

I looked back and smiled at Marco...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now