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-Marco's POV:

As everything began to go back to normal, we found Jackie tied up to a chair in a Mewman's house after said Mewman began to scream that a weird woman was in his house...

Monsters must have taken her hostage while we were fighting in the castle.

Jackie got checked back on Earth by a profesional and she was officially announced as permanently blind.

She's currently learning how to read while feeling one of those books blind people use and other methods, while also going to a therapist as a coping mechanism.

Poor thing is probably traumatized after her experience with monsters-

But I guess that's karma for trying to steal Star's wedding and marry me-




Ummm. Yeah.

Not happening.

Kelly finally got some food and sleep and she's looking a lot healthier than she was in the cell.

She still talks to herself sometimes but uhhh-

Yeah at least she got a haircut....

Queen Moon was found in the hallway unconscious and after a few days in the castle medical ward she's up and about again and looking much better.

King River was also found unconscious in a cell in the dungeon...

I don't know how we didn't notice him before but he must have gotten knocked out while trying to fight off Eclipsa and her monsters...

I think Jackie's finally broken up with Oskar but I don't know if they were even still together since she wanted to marry me-


Eclipsa and Toffee are still in the dungeon and they refuse to answer any of our questions.

Star is still unconscious and in the medical ward.

....Yeah you're all caught up now.

I'm currently on my way to see Star again...

Things have been really quiet without her bubbly personality and loud comments...

I especially miss her sweet laughter...

She sounds like an angel when she laughs...

So full of life...

It makes me full of life as well!

Everyone's worried about her but also about me.

I don't know why...

I-I'm fine.

Sure, I'm not sleeping that well and not eating much but can you blame me???

The love of my life is not waking up!!!

At least she's alive...

She's just out cold-

But not in a coma...

She's more in a sleep-like trance and Toffee hasn't muttered a word when we asked him what's wrong with her, while Eclipsa just made sarcastic remarks when we asked her how to remove the wand from Toffee's hand.

So no luck there!



I quickly made my way to the bedside where the beauty herself was laying...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now