6~ Exposed

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Short part today! (Sorry! 😅)

Also that's what Jackie looks like in this story^^

-Star's POV:





The door opened, making my back fall to the floor, a figure hovering above my now fallen body....

Wild mint green hair was the first thing my eyes landed on when I looked up...


"Star?! Wha- But weren't you just- Didn't you get- HUH?"

-Marco's POV:

I groaned and opened my eyes...

My vision adjusted on the white roof...

I sat up, my body feeling sore for some reason...

Why am I on the floor?

Where am I?


I looked to the side to find King River just waking up on the floor too...

Moon was still unconscious beside him...

How did this happen?

What happened?

-Star's POV:

"So let me get this straight. Monsters attacked the wedding?!" I asked in disbelief, looking at her as I looked for my wand...

Kelly was helping too, explaining what I had missed.

"Yep. And apparently it was Jackie in that dress?"

"Mhmm. She just straight up threw me in the closet and my wand away."

"Wow. Nice friendship..." She grumbled...

I forced a chuckle in response...

So far no sight of my wand...


We've searched the floors, vases, nearby rooms and even the closet I was locked in!

But nothing.

"You don't think she has the wand... Do you?"

"There's no way! Her goal was to marry Marco! Not steal the kingdom and wand." I retorted, but worry still filled my chest...

Could she have actually taken my wand?

And if she did, does that mean Eclipsa now has it?!

Oh no...

"This is bad."

-Jackie's POV:

My screams echoed through the hallways as the monster carried me on his back...

I tried kicking, punching, even screaming in his ear but nothing seemed to affect him. Or at least loosen his grip on me.

I stopped and mentally hissed as pain shot through my throat...

I had been screaming for hours.

"Ugh. Finally she shut up..." I heard the iguana, that was wearing a business suit on, mumble...

Was he an iguana? Maybe just a lizard? Whatever he was, he sure wasn't a chameleon.

"No. That's not good. We need her to speak to her parents personally and make her bargain with them so they hand over what's rightfully mine."

"Yes. But remember our deal."

"Yes, Yes. I haven't forgotten yet, Toffee."


Like the candy?

Why would somebody name their child after a candy-



My thought was interrupted when the monster dropped me on a chair...


Metal bands tied on my wrists as I struggled to break free...

"Alright. Get that silly thing off her face. I need to speak to the princess personally."

This time, a different monster approached me.

As he got close I kicked him...

Let's just say that I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.....

He let out a high pitched scream, and ran backwards....

He bumped straight into the Hat Lady.

"UGH! IDIOTS! MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF?!" Her voice boomed, as she pushed the monster off of her, adjusting her hat...

She walked toward me and I tried kicking her but her hand glowed black and my legs were paralyzed...

I couldn't control my legs and she put metal bands on them too, now my legs were glued to the chair...

She smirked in victory...

"Now, Princess. Let's have a little chat." Her voice was filled with malice...

Her hand went toward my veil and I felt her yank it off of me, pulling my blonde hair a little...

Everyone in the room froze.

Her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth formed into a deep scowl as she dropped the veil in the floor...

"That is not the princess."


Uh oh! Rip Jackie...? 😂😓


Also thank you for your sweet comments! It lets me know you like my story! 😊

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now