9~ Pain....

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So.... There is a bit of violence in this chapter.

I'll warn you so you can skip it if you don't like that stuff. (It's nothing too bad...)

-Marco's POV:

"How exactly do YOU know where Eclipsa's fortress is." I asked....

Tom wasn't with us when Star was kidnapped.

Tom wasn't with us when we fought Eclipsa the first time.

I had a bad feeling.

Something was........


"My dad keeps a map of all of Mewni. Eclipsa's fortress just happened to be in it."


I wasn't really buying it.

"Are you sure that thing is legit?" I heard Kelly ask behind me....

We were making our way toward the armory.

It was just the three of us, since Star wanted to say goodbye to her parents and possibly call them up as back-up if we needed it.

Tom only sighed...

"Dude. My dad is king of the Underworld. How more legit can you get?"

Kelly shrugged beside me...

"Touché" I replied.

"To shave?! To shave what?"

I facepalmed....

".................You know what nevermind."

-Jackie's POV:

I finally felt the tip of the wand when the doors slammed open...

"Here to torture me by making me look at your ugly face?" I spat, as I quickly pulled my hand away from my pocket...

As I faced the door I froze.

Something wasn't right.

The aura around Hat-Lady was dark but instead of her usual scowl, she wore an evil-looking smirk.

A monster walked in with a black, tall scepter...

It erupted to life once it touched Hat-Lady's hand.

Black lightning shot from the scepter and hit the floor....

Fear took over my chest, but I held a straight face.

"So...... A little bird told me you wield the wand, Peasant." She spat....

She raised the scepter and pointed it toward me.

I closed my eyes in anticipation and fear, waiting for the blow to come...

-Star's POV:

"Is she still not awake yet?" I asked, entering the bedroom where my father sat beside my still sleeping mother...

He shook his head and sighed...

"I'm afraid Moonpie might not wake up anytime soon."

My eyebrows furrowed, as anger took over my chest.

"Don't worry, Papa. I will get my wand back and get Eclipsa to tell me a way to undo the spell."

My father glanced my way and smiled sadly...

He stood up and walked over, looking up toward my face...

He opened his arms wide and I crouched down to his eye level, giving him the biggest hug I've given him in a long time...

We were going to be departing soon.

And my father could only watch me leave.

He had grown old, wrinkles now present on his face and his beard now had many gray hairs.

He was not fit to fight as he used to be.

And he now had the responsibility to look after mother.

Tears filled my eyes as we let go of the hug....

In my teen years I had taken for granted my parents. Sure, they were annoying at times but they were there. Even if it didn't always feel like it.

"Be careful, pumpkin."

I nodded and exited my room, heading for the armory...

This was my fight now.... and Eclipsa was going to pay.

(Bit of violence in this part!!)

-Eclipsa's POV:

Screams filled my ears, as I smiled wickedly...

I had asked her to give me the wand, yet she lied.

She said she didn't have it.

She needs to know her place.

She's the peasant and I am the Queen.

I am above her.

And always will be.

Another shot of black lightning hit her in the chest, as tears now trickled down her pale cheeks....


"LIES!" I yelled, and shot her again....

Her screams were now mixed with sobs.

I was breathing heavily, as I lowered the scepter.

(It's over.)

"That is enough for today. Maybe this will make you think about your decisions. If you tell me, the pain will stop."

With that said, I turned and left the room.

My monster servants closed the door tightly behind me.

One of them took my scepter away and visions of my past flooded my head....

I shook my head.

That was the condition of using the scepter. It feeds from negative emotions and peers into your past's darkest times.

I opened the door, where a living room was placed.

Toffee was there reading a book, waiting for any other word from our "Spy".

I sat and slumped, defeated.

I was tired and all I wanted to do was lay down and take a nap.



I opened my eyes only to see Toffee still reading his book...

"Sleep. You seem tired and the scepter uses much of your magical and physical energy."

He finally looked up from the book and his eyes trailed on mine, but only for a second, before dropping his gaze back toward his book.

I was about to stand up when a hand caught my wrist...

"Sleep here. You can barely walk."

I looked at him for a few moments before finally giving in, my shaking legs making me collapse into the soft cushions of the couch.

I closed my eyes but felt a pair of hands land on my head, pulling it down until it landed on something soft...

I sighed and snuggled closer, drifting off into a deep sleep.....

....But little did she know she would wake up to a horrible sight....



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