4~ She snapped...

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Okay. First of all:


I literally posted this at the start of April and it already has 100 views!! Thank you so much!

Anyways, on with the chapter.

-???'s POV:





It's finally happening.

The happiest day for all of Mewni since last Stump Day.

The day that Star and Marco will seal their love with a kiss.

The day that I detest.

My hands turned into fists and my eyebrows furrowed....

I stepped forward. It felt like I was about to leap into the room at any second...

But a hand quickly went to my shoulder...

"Patience. We shall strike soon. We can't have our spy getting caught now can we?" She let out a low chuckle in the end.

I only nodded, the frown never leaving my face....

-Star's POV:

I took in a deep breath...

Today was the big day.

Basically all of Mewni was invited, and some people even had to stand outside watching the ceremony since the church was not big enough....

I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring my long silky white dress, that hugged my curves nicely...

It had small little diamonds in it, making it have a formal touch...

My hair was put up in a messy updo and had small white flowers in it...

Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach as nervousness took over me...

It was finally happening.

Marco would be mine.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened slightly...

The door opened completely and I smiled at the reflection of the platinum blonde...

"Hey Jackie!"

-Jackie's POV:

"Hey Star." I replied, smiling at her.

Her dress looked beautiful.

The whole church was beautiful.

Star must be feeling....

That feeling...

A feeling of nervousness and excitement...

That feeling that makes your stomach turn... But in a good way...

That feeling....













That should be me.

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now