7~ Gettin' Wild...

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Another short chapter but I added some Starco in there... 😂💖

-Marco's POV:

"MARCO!" A familiar voice rang from outside of the room....

Me and King River were trying to figure out why we were on the floor, when he noticed Queen Moon still unconscious....

If he woke up shouldn't she be awake too?

I turned my head toward the doorway where Star ran inside, Kelly close behind...

She brought her hands to her knees once she got in front of me, panting and out of breath....

"Oh! I'm so glad your okay!" She hugged me tightly, once she had regained her breath and I hugged back but was still confused....

I pulled away from the hug a little bit...

"Yeah I'm okay.... Why wouldn't I be?"

Star looked back at Kelly and she just shrugged...

Star sighed and looked back at me...

"Do you remember anything?"

-Eclipsa's POV:

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! HOW COULD YOU HAVE MISTAKEN THIS.... THIS PEASANT FOR THE PRINCESS!" My voice boomed, as I screamed in the monster's faces...

"Excuse you I am NO peasant!" I heard the brat snap...

"YOU STAY QUIET!" I said, turning quickly to glare at her and turning back to the monsters...

A hand went to my shoulder and I looked back at the person, my eyes seething with anger...

"Calm down... We can use this to our advantage."

His voice was calm and my eyes softened a little bit...

He smiled and I sighed...

He was right.

"Yes.... We can use her as bait."

I turned back toward the monsters, a smirk evident on my lips...

"Call our spy. We've got a new plan."

-Star's POV:

"I-I still don't understand how I lost my memory! How could I forget something so important?!"

I smiled sadly at the now stressed out Marco...

"She probably used a spell on you or something like she did to everybody else..."

He sighed and tugged at his messy brown locks...

"I guess your right.... I'm just glad your safe."

He pulled me closer sideways and I giggled...

His eyes half-lidded and went down to my lips...

I smirked at him and put my hands at the back of his neck, leaning upwards a little bit due to our height difference...

My lips brushed against his soft pink ones...

I brought body even closer to his and then sat on his lap...

His breath hitched a little bit in surprise.

I brought my lips away...

He furrowed his eyebrows and his mouth formed a straight line.

I smiled at him innocently and batted my eyelashes. But his mouth formed a smirk...

He had caught on to my teasing.

Fear took over my body and I quickly stood up, trying to get away...

But his hand snaked around my waist and he spun me back around, pulling me into his lap once again...

"You can't get away from me that easily, Butterfly..."

The lust in his eyes didn't go unnoticed, as he brought his lips near my mouth, his eyes not once leaving mine.

He placed a small kiss on the side of my lip but trailed down...

He kissed my jaw.

Then moved down to my neck...

My breath hitched as I felt his gentle kisses spread throughout my skin...

He finally kissed my collarbone but went back up...

He found my sweet spot and I held in a moan, gripping tightly onto his shirt...






"Ummmm.... Guys... Hate to break this up but like.... we're still here...."

Kelly's voice made us freeze on the spot...


I sat down back on my spot, my cheeks stinging and we nervously laughed...

'This is awkward...'

(...gonna get a little wEIRD... gonna get a little wILD-)

-Jackie's POV:

I struggled to get free on my chair as the Hat Lady called her "Spy" over...

The person walked towards her into the light with a smirk on their face and I gasped...

"YOU?? How could you do this?!"

Who do you think the Spy is??


Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now