15~ Attack & Escape...

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Hey! I'm not dead just trying to survive my first year of high school!

-Star's POV:



"W-WHO'S THERE?!" I yelled, standing from the floor, where Marco was still sleeping.

"Star! It's me!" I heard her whisper-yell...


"SHHHH! The guards will hear us!"

"Oh! sorry..." I whispered...

"I'm here to break you guys out. We have to hurry and find Jackie before Eclipsa gets to Mewni."

"Wait.... what?!"

"When I was on my way here. I heard Eclipsa talking to Toffee. They were preparing a plan to ambush Mewni. She said they would leave first thing in the morning..."

Sun rays were now entering the dark dungeon and I could now see Kelly's silhouette playing with the lock on the cell door...

I heard a horse cry and many footsteps...

"They must be about to depart." I muttered...

Kelly nodded in agreement...

"I doubt they will take their prisoners, or else they would've transferred you by now. So Jackie must still be here as well."



I squatted and gently shook Marco...

He groaned awake and smiled at me...

I smiled back...

"Come on, honey. We gotta get Jackie."

"Huh?" He quickly sat up.

-Jackie's POV:

I could hear voices but I couldn't see anything.

I have no idea what happened but I think they've made me blind! And I don't know how long it will last.

I bit my lip...

I felt like I was on a verge of tears.

The world is so scary when it's all dark like this...

I kind of wish I wasn't here in the first place.

That I was never born.

Maybe none of this would've happened.

Maybe if Star never knew who I was I wouldn't have put her wand in such great danger.

This is all my fault.

I deserve this.

I deserve everything I get.

-Eclipsa's POV:

I laughed as the carriage went on a move, with an army of monsters right behind me...

I held the wand securely in my hand and Toffee sat in front of me, the same wicked smile that I had on his face.

I would finally get what was rightfully mine.

Mewni would be mine again and monsters would reign.

It was time for the Mewman era to end.

So the Monster era could begin.

-Kelly's POV:

We moved light on our feet around the castle looking for a room that could potentially be holding a blonde woman captive.

Eventually we found a room with a few guards and guessed she was in there.

Star took out a few guards by hitting them with a nearby object on the heads...


"Dang! They fell like feathers!" I laughed...

Star smiled and Marco proceeded to open the door...

The room was big, and there were two more guards who stopped mid conversation to look our way...

They growled and charged at us.... I dodged a punch while Marco used his old karate skills to kick them back...

We settled on tying them up and putting something in their mouths to keep them from calling for help...

Then, I finally got a good look at the room.

It was big with a few windows and right in the middle was a cage with a blonde woman inside of it.

She was chained up from head to toe, with more chains in her stomach, arms and legs.

Her head was down and she was shaking...

Star opened the cell and her head shot up, her now grey eyes looking fearful.

"W-Who's there?!" She screamed...

'But.... we're right in front of her???' I thought, confused...

Starco looked confused too.

"Uhhh.... Jackie it's us!" Marco muttered...

"W-Wha- Marco??" Her eyes seemed to brighten.

"And Star! Don't forget me!" Star said...

I could tell she was kind of jealous on how excited Jackie had been while hearing Marco....

"Oh! Yes." Jackie muttered, smiling slightly...

"We're here to break you out of here..."

"Great! So let's go!"

She tried moving but grunted...

"What the-"

"Jackie....... are you okay?" I asked...

She would've clearly been able to see the chains on her body????

"Uhhh.... Well.... I can't really see anything sooo..."

"Wha- How???"

"Dude. I think I'm blind."

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed in unison.

-Toffee's POV:

We arrived at the outside of the Mewni force field.

I smiled as I spotted the whole we would be entering...

I stopped Eclipsa from getting off and looked at her...

"Are you going to negotiate?"

She shook her head and scowled...

"I've negotiated enough with them! Talking won't do anything." She said coldly...

She then simply smiled...

"Today. We attack."


Mewni's in trouble, Jackie's blind.

What else could go wrong? 🙃


Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now