16- Sacrifice...

374 7 15

Get ready to cry? Idk-

-Eclipsa's POV:

The Mewmans screamed in fear and I smiled.

"This way." I simply nodded at my ally and followed as he led the way toward the thrown room.

The monsters had already spread throughout most of Mewni yet the king still hadn't come out of the shadows...

'Hmph. What a coward-'

"Stop right there!"

'I spoke too soon...'

He was standing there, sword in hand while I just chuckled...

"You really think you can beat me? With a sword? I have a wand, King Butterfly. Well.... more like former king."

He didn't even seemed fazed by my comment....

'Guess we're doing this the hard way.'

And so I shot him.

-Kelly's POV:

"Oh no..... we're too late!" I heard Star say...

Mewni was completely overrun by monsters, the mewmans running in fear.... Not because monsters were in the territory... no.

Because they all had wands.

Eclipsa must have made them wands with magic!

"How are we going to get through all of this??" Marco muttered...

"I'll clear the way so you two can get to the castle." I said, pointing at Starco...

"Jackie will stay with me." I finished, looking at the poor confused blonde woman.

Starco nodded and I ran ahead, practically dragging Jackie behind me...

"W-Wait! Why are you bringing me! I-I'm practically useless!" I heard her scream as she stumbled along behind me...

I took cover in a Mewman's house...

"There's literally nothing else you can do. So just stay here while I try and clear a path. If you hear anyone come in and don't hear me calling out your name.... hide."

I saw her nod, but I could tell she was uncertain...

I'll just have to hope she stays out of trouble.

I exited the house and quickly ran toward a group of monsters, shooting each of them with ease.

Eclipsa might have taken away Starco's weapons but I still had my bow and arrow.

Starco followed close behind- And yes, I combined their names because it's easier to say.

It was as if the monsters kept multiplying the closer we got to the castle.

But what do you expect when the most heavily guarded part is where Eclipsa must be?

I kept shooting, but I was running low on ammo...

We were crouched down now, trying to come up with a plan on the dozens of monsters guarding the entrance of the castle...

"I'll distract them while you head inside."

"But you only have a few arrows left!" I heard Star mutter in worry...

I smiled reassuringly...

"I'll be fine. You guys go on!"

Star looked uncertain for a moment and then met eyes with Marco...

They both then looked back at me and nodded...

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now