11~ "The wand is mine"

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-River's POV:

"Oh moonpie..... Please wake up soon. We need you."


Not even a single shift.

She was still in a coma-like state but at least she was breathing.

I sighed and grabbed her limp hand...

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at her pale face.

Still nothing.

I closed my eyes and let go of her hand, deciding that standing up and actually doing something would be better than this.

So I did.

-Jackie's POV:

It happened.

It finally happened.

The guard fell asleep.

I looked behind me and saw the other guards were asleep too.

This was my chance.

I can finally escape.

-Marco's POV:

I panted and brought my hands to my knees...

"Oh, come on Marco! We're almost there!"
I heard Star's voice encourage me...

'Just a little bit longer...' I thought, and continued to walk down the path...

I could already see a dark silhouette from afar.

-Jackie's POV:

My hand reached the pocket of the dress and I bit my cheek as I felt pain radiating across my arm.

The chains holding my hand brushed tightly against my skin as I could feel the top of the wand come in contact with one of my fingers...

I gritted my teeth in another effort to not make a sound.

The guards couldn't wake up now.

Because this is my only chance to escape...

I took in a breath and dug my hand deeper into the pocket, ignoring the horrible pain the chain was giving my wrist.

I could feel the little crown on top of the wand and I grasped it, pulling the wand up to that I could touch its handle.

I grinned as I successfully had the wand in my hand.

'Time to get out of here-'

My grin disappeared as the wand started glowing brightly...

It started violently shaking and my eyes went wide with alarm...

A horrible blast and screams were all I heard before I went flying back in the chair, hitting my head roughly on the floor.





Everything went black.

-Tom's POV:

"We're here." I told them, looking back toward their faces.

Kelly was staring at the castle.

Star was thinking of a way to get in, I could tell.

And Marco was just dying of exhaustion.

But there was one thing that their eyes had in common.


-Eclipsa's POV:

"WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!" My voice boomed as I stomped into the room...

I stopped in my tracks as my eyes widened.

A huge hole was present in the wall and the body of my main guard was lying motionless on the floor, fried to a crisp.

My eyes darted across the room to meet the fearful eyes of the other guards, who also seemed to have been affected by the blast.

They were covered in gray dust but not hurt.

None of them gave me an explanation.

I looked down and saw the peasant's body laying motionless.

But I could still see her breathing lightly.

Her chest going up and down slowly...... pausing.... before going up and down again.

What had happened?

....That's when I saw it.

It was as if the words had been knocked out of my mouth.

I was speechless when my eyes landed on the glowing object on the floor....

The wand.

I gasped and slowly walked toward it...

Never taking my eyes off the wand in fear that if I blinked it would go away in an instant.

I kneeled down and my hand brushed the handle slightly, before I grabbed it.


I shielded my eyes as the wand glowed brightly.

And once it stopped I couldn't believe my eyes.

The wand had turned back to it's original form from when I still had it...

A purple-ish umbrella with the wand on top of it, decorated with small dark purple and black wings was now in my hands.

It was perfect.

The wand is mine now.

And soon.....

Mewni will be too.


Sorry that this is just a filler chapter but I'm just trying to build it up for when the drama REALLY starts next chapter...

Also I barely have inspiration so yeah 😂


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