18~ Wide Awake...

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Beautiful waves crashing on the brown pointy rocks.

That's all you could see for miles and miles.


Very blue.

Very angry.

The sky was a mixture of gray and blue and I felt like I was going in and out of consciousness. As if I was light itself... there, but not there.

Was this real?

I don't remember ever seeing something so blue.

Water so alive.

So violent.

And yet while I looked down at my white gown and felt the wind blow my blue hair back...

I smiled.

It was peaceful here.

Just me and the sky.

Me and the water.

I don't know what else to call this sight apart from beautiful and peaceful.

And you know what the funny thing is?

I can't even remember my name.....

(Time skip, Same POV:)

I only sighed once I saw a small creature crawl out of a rock.

I remember the creatures name but not who showed me the creature.

I believe it's a cab? No wait- crab.

I like it here.

But I feel like I'm trapped.

Because it seems like I can't move.

I can only look.

I can smell and hear. I can think. I can see.

But I can't move.

It's beginning to bother me but....

Every time a feeling of uneasiness takes over me..... as if I'm not supposed to be here....

The waves crash harder and my attention goes back to them.

And I can't seem to look away.

(Time skip, Same POV:)

Somethings happening.

I can feel it.

I feel even more in and out of consciousness and I can hear something. I don't know what it is...


In the distance-

What is that?

It's so....



I try to blink a couple of times but that only makes it worse and I can't move my head to look away.

What's happening?

Why do I feel so dizzy all of the sudden?

Why do I-

Everything went white.

Wish Upon A Star -(Sequel to "Star~Gazing") {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now