Chapter 3

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           Chapter 3

         Schools in!

  When I awoke I was lying on a bed in a room that closely resembled the room back at the astral project building. The only thing that was different was the glass porch door that over looked a vast, beautiful ocean that was almost as bright as my eyes. I looked across the room and saw a set up identical to mine just purple. I fallowed the purple paint and saw that half the room was purple the other half was blue. I heard a child like giggle and spun around.

Now sitting on the purple bed was a girl with short, straight brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was about as tall as me, she was skinny, and had a whimsical look to her. As I had been looking at her I hadn’t noticed her get up and skip across the room.

"My name is Rebecca. What yours?" I opened my mouth but Rebecca cut in "Just kidding I know who you are “

she frowned at the ground

"this is a school for people like you and me. Super naturals. Most of us are born Supernatural’s like me. Others are genetically made like you. The school is called SNPA, Supernatural protection academy." As she finished she smiled

"I have to go I have classes, your schedule in on your bed. See ya!" And with that she left. 

  I walked to my bed and picked up the sheet of paper. It had a schedule printed on it. My first class was at 10:00am in what read the crescent moon class room. I looked at the clock and in purple numbers read 9:45am.

"Fifteen minutes till class" I swore under my breath.

I got ready and dressed in tooth pick jeans, a graphic tee and knee high boots. It seemed that, like at the astral building, all my stuff from my home was here. I grabbed a shoulder bag from my closet grabbed a stack of books that had a note telling me to bring them to class of the desk that held a laptop and pencils and stuffed them in my bag. I stepped out of my dorm and onto the wooden deck.

A blast of ocean air hit me in the face as I rushed toward the building that said crescent moon class. As I walked in I stopped, I didn’t know anyone here. I walked in a few more steps and a young lady stood up and walked over to me and gave me a pleasant smile.

"I am Mrs. Baker, You must be vee Sanders. Welcome. You can sit over there by Alex St.Clair." She indicated a boy at the back of the room.

As I made my way down people whispered and stared at me. When I got to my seat, I looked at the boy. He had black hair that stuck out in funny directions, his eyes were a sea of all shades of blue and green and he was tall.

"I am vee Sanders. I already know who you are."

Alex looked up from the book he was reading

"yeah I’m Alex. I’m 17, Let me guess your new here?"

I nodded. "Yeah I’m new"

I sat down as Mrs. Baker quieted us down. I expected to learn about math and normal eleventh grade stuff but it was nothing like that. We learned about what super naturals were, how they were created and what we should expect when our powers kicked in.

"For were wolves its rather odd when you first phase" Miss. Baker continued "Alex, why don’t u stand up and tell us about what it is like since you have already had your first time."

Alex looked at me then to the teacher "what is the point there is only four of us in the academy and only two including my self are in this class"

miss. Baker frowned "well then explain it to young vee." I jumped when she said my name, I was a werewolfe? -That’s what the astral people changed me into- I thought.

"Fine" Alex said then began explaining "when you first change you don’t know it at first. When you do change you feel like you just ran through a burst of air. You sometimes will fell a sort of ripple pass through your body. You usually phase when you feel a major adrenalin rush or when you become scared. After your first time changing you may fall unconscious or you may feel odd for a while."

With that he sat down.

"Thank you Alex, now there are many kinds of supernaturals. For example there are werewolves, necromancer, mages, wizards, witches, element demons, animegases, sears, and...." her voice trailed off as I stopped paying attention.

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