Chapter 6

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    Chapter 6

  Moon light meeting

I awoke at eleven thirty got dressed and slipped out the door without disturbing Rebecca. I zipped up my jacket as a cold blast of air blew against me. There was a storm coming really soon I could smell the rain in the wind. I half jogged to the clearing that me and Alex talked to Demetre in. I looked at my watch I had twenty minutes. I went to the edge of the clearing and curled up into a ball on the roots of a tree and waited. When my watch hit midnight I heard a rustling at the edge of the clearing and I was instantly on my feet in a defensive position. I said "who's there? What’s your name?" A shadow stepped out into the clearing and spoke "it’s me, Alex St.Clair. You came vee." I looked at him "yeah, I came. Why did you call me out? A storm is coming, cant you smell it look at the sky." We both stood there looking up as the bluish clouds blocked and unblocked the moon, casting a strange ripple like effect across the clearing. I looked down and found Alex looking at me "you ready? I’m going to do a whole bunch of attacks and I want to try to block me." I gaped at him "I don’t even know how I did it the first time! How am I supposed to do it now?" He thought for a moment "try thinking about what you want to do for now, that’s how I learned." I nodded and next thing I knew a wave of heat and fire rolled toward me. I only avoided it by jumping up into the tree. I had never been this flexible or able to jump as high as I could.  As I jumped I saw a puff of the strange electric purple smoke come out from under my feet. I heard Alex laughing "what?" I demanded hopping down from the tree. "Darkness demons can use almost any element to defend themselves and even then the element has been near them. You ready? Here we go." Attack after attack flames rolled at me or balls of fire were shot at me. He only hit me once or twice. As it was nearing four o’clock in the morning Alex called it quits mostly because it was starting to rain.i squatted down and thought I would try some thing. I leapt in an arc across the clearing, I put one leg out to kick Alex, not hard, but still kick. As my leg mad contact Alex noticed me and went to grab my leg but I reached out and took hold of his arm and I swung over him. I was startled, I didn’t know how I was fighting like this. He instantly froze as if he was coated in ice he said "nice one. I didn’t even see it coming, and umm... what did you do to me?" I laughed "all I did was think of you being frozen and ta-da your frozen." "Oh" he said then I saw his hand go red and I saw what looked like water drip off of him, And next thing I new he was free and stretching out. "Alright we are done and-" he was cut off by a crack of lightning and we instantly sprinted across the clearing and headed to my dorm. At the back porch door Alex stood looking at me, and I stood beside him watching the rain dripping off him he turned and walk to the edge of then woods and then he was a black and grey wolf. The wolf turned and looked at me, it had alex's green and blue eyes. Then then wolf was gone, I stood there looking at the woods for a good twenty munits before I went in I stepped in and closed the door. I turned back to hang my coat up, and right in front of me was Rebecca. I screamed and then slapped my hand over my mouth "dam it Rebecca how to you do that!" She looked at me then said "you were out with Alex weren't you?" I turned and headed to my dresser and went and peeled out of my wet clothes then I put on a tank top and pj bottoms and climbed into bed "yes I was now let me go to bed."

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