Chapter 4

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       Chapter 4

     Mix blood?

After class my schedule said I had lunch so I went to the main building that had the cafeteria. I got my food and went to one table to see if I could sit with them.

"Hi may I sit with you?"

A girl with fiery red braids turned to face me, she had blood red eyes.

"no you can’t. Go away mix blood!"

I nodded and went around to other tables but got the same answer. Finally I walked up to a table were a boy sat alone. I realized it was Alex.

"Hey Alex can I sit with you?"

He nodded then went back to reading his book.

I said "do you know what everyone means by mix blood"?

He looked up startled "Vee. How do you know that name"?

I looked at him and blinked "because everyone keeps calling me that. What does it mean Alex? You know don’t you?"

He nodded then began explaining "it’s a name to call someone when they are more than one supernatural. A pure blood is someone whose parents were both the same kind of supernatural’s, most pure bloods are snobs. There are also half bloods. A person who is half blood has a human parent and a supernatural parent. I’m a mix blood. My mom was a human so my dad must have been a mix blood. If you’re a mix blood then I’m no longer the only and..." his voice trailed off into a thought.

I’m two different typed of supernatural’s...

"Hmm" I said. "I wonder what kinds I am."

Alex looked at me "I don’t know but I know someone who can tell us".

Five minutes later we were out in the middle of the forest behind my room. He stopped me in the middle of the clearing.

"here is far enough".

I opened my mouth to ask what was here but a glance from him made me close my mouth.

"Dametre! Are you here, we need to know something?"

He looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

"Yes I am here and there is no need to shout" said someone with a British accent.

Me and Alex spun around, collided and fell to the ground laughing. When I looked up I saw a man about 21 with blond wavy hair, a muscular build and bright violet eyes.

"What you doing on the floor? Alex"

he turned to Alex who had just stood up

"what brings you out to the woods on this particular day" he looked at me "by the way I’m Dametre".

Dametre held out hand and helped me up. I stood beside Alex and looked at him questioningly.

"Well what did you bring me out here for"?

Alex turned and looked at Dametre

"you can tell what type of supernatural people are right"?

Demetre nodded.

Alex said "can you tell us what vee is? All we know is that she is a mix blood and one part is werewolfe."

Dametre nodded "alright I will tell ya what she is"

he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, dragging out the suspense.

"You are a werewolfe and..."

he gasped and his eyes flew open. "What? What is it?" I demanded.

"You." Demetre said.

Then Alex stepped in " Demetre. What’s up?"

Demetre looked at Alex then back to me

"she is part darkness demon. I only know of one other darkness demon, and that’s Chantel. Chantel was one of the worst supernaturals ever known. She nearly destroyed the supernatural race, and if you are the same as her you are probably evil too!"

And with that he leapt on me. I fell to the ground with a thud and made an "ouf". I was pinned to the ground by the weight of Demetre

"what are you doing you jackass! Get off of me!"

I felt his weight being pulled off of me and as I sat up I saw Demetre fly back into a tree near the edge of the clearing. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked for Alex wondering if it was him who got demetre off me but when our eyes met I knew it wasn’t him. -I did it, but how?- I thought. As Demetre got up Alex dashed at him and grabbed his arms

"what was that about demetre? She isn’t like Chantel she is different.

" He looked down so his short black hair hid his face and his eyes.

"I know she is, I can tell." Demetre opened his mouth but a low long howl swept through the woods and demetre shut his mouth with a clip. Alex let him go and demetre started to walk past me, and once he was by me he stopped and next thing I knew a white wolf stood and glared at me with violet eyes. With a final growl he tore off into the woods.

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