Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Time to unwind

Once we reached the beach, i couldn't help but stare at the beauty of it. We were only here because i needed to get away from all my problems. I phased back. Alex immediately took his shirt of and jogged into the water, he began to swim around smiling at me. I took my over dress off, put on sunscreen and layed down on my towel. I was lying with my eyes closed, i felt the sand shift on both side's of my towel. I suddenly got dripped on by cool water. I opened my eyes to find Alex kneeling beside me, his hands on both sides of my head. He leaned in and kissed me. He pulled away "you gonna come in the water or what?" He smiled. I nodded. I used my darkness ability's to soar up in the air, and the dive gracefully into the water. Alex laughed. "I still find that cool" Alex called from the shore, i yelled back as i came back up "come on Alex. Come in." He ran and started swimming towards me. We swam around, raced on the beach and when we raced a second time, i won. We had one more day of freedom then when Wednesday came around, we would set out on our journey. At the end of our stay, Alex took my hand and, instead of phasing we walked. As the sun light shone through the leaves creating a ripple sort of effect on the ground, we talked about what we might encounter when we go. "We may encounter many new types of super naturals." Alex said. He continued. "Like vampires, witches, and maby we will find some outer use full stuff. Hmm maby if we get the chance, we could get the dagger of Tenebris . If it is on the route." I looked at him "what is the dagger of Tenebris?" He looked at me, smiling. "Tenebris is the Latin word for darkness, it is a weapon created by Chantel. The dagger takes on any weapon the holder desires, there for it can be the most deadliest weapon. Only some one who posses darkness ability's can get it and make the weapon change form. If we were to stumble across it, that would give us a huge advantage. We could use it against Chantel. Well you could use it, i couldn't, I'm not a darkness demon...." he trailed off into a thought. By now we had reached the back of my dorm. Alex was still lost in thought so he kissed me on the cheek and left. I went in side the dorm, turned on some music and got changed. Playing was one of my favorite songs by Nickel Back, if today was your last day. It came around to the chorus

 If today was your last day,

And tomorrow was to late,

Could you say good bye to yesterday.

Would you live each moment like your last,

Leave old pictures in the past,

Donate every dime you had,

If today was your last day.

This song made tears burn at the back of my throat, for today might be  my last day. At least at the academy. I went out onto the front porch, hopped up on the railing and sat down. I looked out over the ocean, thinking about every thing that had happened to me since i had arrived at the SNPA. I felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned my head to see a girl about fourteen. She had bright purple hair, Orange eyes and she was wearing a mail Carrier out fit. She held a couple of letters in her hand. The girl said in a timid voice "Are you Vee Sanders?" I nodded and she handed me a couple of letters. I thanked her and she turned into a chocolate lab and tore of to the naboring dorm. I looked at the front of the letters. They were both my mom. I looked at the letters, tears in my eyes. This is the first i had herd from my mom since i had been taken from summer school that one day. I opened the first one. It was a birth day card. It was a black dog, smiling a silly smile. In side it said, "hope your birthday is full of smiles." At the bottom was my moms writing.


I love you so much, i hope your enjoying your self at your school.

See you at thanksgiving.


I put the card on my dresser, in front of all the others i had gotten. I went back out onto the porch opening the second letter as i walked. It was a hand written letter in my moms curly hand writing.

  Dear Vee,

I am so sorry you had to be dragged away from your normal school, just to be stuck in an academy for supernaturals. I sighed you up for the program when you were first born. When you went through the operation just recently, the found out you were born a Darkness Demon. They had to continue with the operation, regardless of what you were already. On to a more happy subject, you get to come home on thanksgiving, Christmas/new years, Easter and next year on your birthday. I cant wait to see you.

     Love mom

 It was too bad i would be busy, off on the journey to find the antidote, during those days. I would see her on my birthday, I hopped.

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