Chapter 5

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              Chapter 5

               The darkness in me.

Me and Alex stood there looking into each other’s eyes, me gazing into the sea of blue and green, and him into my sharp blue ones.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked breaking the silence.

Alex shrugged "he doesn’t usually act like that unless something is bothering him."

He turned and walked past me "let’s head back we have to be back in the class in five minutes".

As we headed back I started to think about how I had gotten Demetre off of me, I had seen a burst of a strange electric purple when he had flown into the tree. I considered the possibilities. I could have imagined it or it could have actually happened. As we neared my dorm cabin Alex stopped

"what? What is it Alex?"

Alex just shook his head and continued. I stopped into my room quickly to grab my books and I met up with Alex on the way too class. Once we got there we sat down and remained silent. When the bell rang signalling the end of classes for that day, I got up and gathered up my books. Out if the corner of my eye I saw Alex slip something into my bag and head out. I dumped my books into my bag thinking ill read the note later and I headed out. When I was standing on the patio in front of my room having just dropped my bag off on my bed.

I stood looking out over the ocean, the cool ocean air sending my hair waving behind me. I stood there thinking about Carmen and strangely Alex. I herd something whack off the railing beside me and I snapped my head sideways just as Carmen grabbed her knee and jumped up and down from the pain. I laughed, for the first time since I woke up at the SNPA. Carmen straightened up and laughed too.

"Oh my god vee, I have missed you so much. Guess what I’m a gen pureblood werewolfe. What are you?" I looked at her for a moment then said

“I am a mix blood gen darkness demon and werewolf".

Carmen stared at me, just stared. I waited for her to say something but she wasn’t saying anything any time soon so I broke the silence

"what? I didn’t ask to be a mix blood. I’m not the only one though, there is Alex St.Clair and..." I trailed off realising that me and Alex were the only mix bloods in the academy.

I heard a ring and saw Carmen pull out a red phone, she looked at me and said

"its one of my new friends do you mind if I go and hang with her?"

I shook my head and Carmen leapt off the deck. When she was gone I went inside and sat on my bed. I pulled the piece of paper that Alex had slipped in out of my bag and unfolded it, it read

  Hey, Vee

Listen I was thinking of how you got Demetre off of you earlier today and I want to know if you can do more. Meet me out in the woods behind your dorm at midnight. I’ll probably be a wolf because my dorm is on the other side of the campus. I hope to see you there.

    Alex St.Clair

Island?? I thought "we are on an island?" I said out loud.

"Yeah were on an island. I thought all academy members get told that."

I turned around and saw Rebecca sitting on her bed.

"How did you get there without me noticing you?"

She gave her girlish laugh and said "you were distracted I guess and I walked right in, I even dropped my bag on the floor."

I looked at her, said "oh" and went out onto the side porch and watched the setting sun cast orange ripples of light, bouncing gently off the waves. Rebecca came out and sat on the railing beside me

"it beautiful isn’t it?" She asked blissfully

"yeah" I said back

"hey Rebecca, do you know anything about Alex St.Clair? I know it’s awkward but I feel he is someone I can trust."

Truth was I felt more the trust to him, it was more like affection, but I didn’t tell her that. Rebecca considered my question for a minuet.

"I don’t know much but I do know he came to the academy."

I turned my head slightly signalling her to go on

"well he was found out in the woods behind here at the age of five, they said it was raining and he was cold and wet. When they found him he was curled up crying against a dead woman. She had a bullet wound in her head. Alex refused to leave the woman so they brought both back here to the SNPA and buried her in front of our dorm. No one knows where exactly though. As Alex grew up he slowly got over it. When they learned he was a werewolf and a fire demon they were surprised because his mom wasn’t a super natural so they assumed that his father was a mix blood."

She looked at me

"that’s all I know."

I thanked her, the sun had set now and the only light was from the whole moon that shone brightly. I went inside to sleep a bit before my meeting with Alex.

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