Divine Love

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Age was beginning to catch up to Veronica and Octavian. But the two still enjoyed each other and the life they were living. They stayed fit, and were still into each other like when they first met. Their household was dying, but was happy. When 2058 came, they celebrated their 30 year anniversary by going to Hollywood to play in a movie called Love Unbroken.  It got worldwide attention, but mainly it was spread nationwide. By the time 2060 hit, together they had 8 emergency trips to the hospital. Both scared, not of their own conditioning but of their partner's. Doctors told them both that they were suffering  health problems that would only give them months to live. They nevermind what they were told, and actually surpassed their predictions. King and Dawn came to their house often to check on their parents. Dawn was pregnant at the time, with a boy. Months later, her and Kenny gave birth to Kenneth Carson Dove (AKA K.C. Dove). The aging Doves were able to see it although they were getting weaker by the year. And for the first time in their minds, death looked kind of beautiful. They've overcame every challenge that was given to them.  They lived long enough to be parents and grandparents. They found a love that couldn't be explained by words. And now they were in a point in life where they had to do nothing else. Through it all, they stayed together.  June 30th, 2071. Another health scare. This time hitting both Octavian and Veronica. Their neighbor seen through their window to find the two collapsed on the floor. The neighbor  called an ambulance and got to the house in five minutes. They both were still alive. They were taken to the hospital, and laid side by side on separate hospital beds. They woke up later that night. They held each other's hand. They could feel their entire lives through each other's hand. Though both hit 71, they admired the beauty of wrinkles on each other's face, and gray hair on their heads. Smiling. No complaints.  No worries. They knew that this would be their last time together on this earth. King and Dawn were ordered to stay home.  Both in great tears, held their children for they knew what was about to happen. And in tears themselves, Octavian and Veronica continued to stare at each other holding hands. Octavian then raised his right index finger to his chest, signaling The 1 Promise. Veronica then raised her left index finger to her chest. And they said it. Slowly, but still in unison.

"As long as you're in my life my gift  from God  is the ability to live by your side. For all of  eternity. For the parts of it we see, and don't see.

You are my light in the storm.
My safety in danger.
The strength behind my heartbeat.
Your well-being is my well-being.
I am yours."
They then leaned in for one last kiss, and they were able to touch lips. It was now a countdown for them. Octavian eyes then began to lower. So did Veronica's. Two minutes later, Octavian has died. For good this time. Veronica followed him a minute later. And so here's to the end of a love that spanned almost five decades. Their funerals were for the youth. How come? Because Janet, Doug, Olive, and Denise have already passed. Months apart from each other. And Ty joined them the day after their funeral. See what the passing Doves left behind. Love. For them, they've reached the end of the road. Or did they? One day, unknown to human time, a being entered Heaven. A woman rose from the ground. She was wearing a beautiful blue robe. She stood. It was Veronica! She's found out that the afterlife is real, though she's always believed in it. Then a little while later, a man rose from the ground. He was wearing an all black suit. He stood as tall as she was. It was Octavian! At last, the beautiful two that were separated by death, has returned to the sweetest place to be, Heaven. And with God's permission, they lived together inside the wonderful golden gates. They were also blessed to find out that all of their friends made it as well. But Octavian and Veronica Dove lived their love life privately. Forever. Divine Love.

        Once more I thank you for reading this story I've made. And I'll leave you with this: "Do you think that love between two people can bring them through any lifetime? Even in a place like Heaven? If you ask me, I'll tell you this. Absolutely I believe it's possible. 100%. For my next work,  it will be a poetry book called Birth of the Black Dove.

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