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pretty strange boy

(Y/n) sighed, crumpling up another piece of paper and tossing it into the trash beside her desk. She had four more days to create an art piece for her class and she was buckling under the pressure.

She had no motivation, no inspiration and honestly she just wanted to take a nap.

Groaning dramatically, (Y/n) pushes her sketchbook over the side of her desk. It lands with a quiet thud, opening up to an otherwise empty page with a light blue sticky-note pasted to the center.

don't be discouraged, you're such a talented artist! I believe in you, (Y/n), fighting!

Her eyebrows weave together in thought, this is the sixth note she's found this week. Each one had a similar theme, they were always complimenting her and signed k.th. The question was, who is k.th? She couldn't think of anyone she knew with the initials, yet she continues to find more almost everyday.

The first one she had found was written out elegantly and stuck on her front door, it read, "you are beautiful".

She hadn't really thought much of it at first, just that it was a sweet gesture. But as she discovered more and more in various places like her binders, on her desk at school, in her back pack, even inside her pockets she quickly became more curious.

(Y/n) leaned over and plucked the note off of her sketchbook, reading it over and over again.

"Who are you?", She wondered aloud.

Sighing, she pulled open her desk drawer and put the new note inside along with the others, scanning over the delicate writing decorating the similar parchments.

you're eyes shine brighter than any city ever could

you have this incredible way of making my heart burst whenever you laugh. I can only be happy if you are. Smile, love.

when I first saw you I thought you were an angel

She couldn't deny that receiving such flattering compliments always made her day despite the fact that she had no idea who the sender was, but it was just so alien to her. (Y/n) wasn't used to getting so much attention and having someone be so interested in her.

It was a bit strange, but she liked it.

In addition to the notes, (Y/n) has also been seeing things. Or, a person to be more specific really. Wherever she went she seemed to noticed a lurking shadow just behind her or managed to catch a glimpse of someone watching her out of the corner of her eye. It was a bit unsettling the first few days, but for some reason she had gotten used to it and didn't feel threatened anymore. To be honest, she thought she was just stressed and overtired and that was why she was seeing things, but now that's it's still going on after a few days she was beginning to question her sanity.

It was definitely a him. He had a tall, lean figure and was usually covered head to toe in dark clothing with a hood over his head. She'd seem him now on school campus, outside her window or from her balcony, at the grocery store, the mini mart, the coffee shop and even outside of her best friend Hoseok's home.

Speaking of which, she'd even asked Hoseok what he thought of the whole situation, but his only answer was, "You're definitely losing it, (Y/n). Either that or you've won yourself your first stalker."

Maybe he was right, maybe she was losing it.

(Y/n) sighs deeply, falling backwards into her bed and curling in a ball underneath her blankets. It isn't long before she falls asleep - which wasn't intended but a spontaneous nap was always welcomed in her books - and falls into a dream of a strange, mysterious boy cloaked in black and the twisting nightmares of her upcoming due dates for college.


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