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on the run

"Baby girl, we have to leave now." Taehyung announces, slamming the front door open in a hurry and startling (Y/n) who was drawing at the kitchen table. He had gone out about twenty minutes ago to pick up some groceries.

(Y/n) looks at him skeptically, closing her sketchbook and following him into the bedroom, "What do you mean? What happened?" She asks, watching him frantically throw articles of clothing into a big black suitcase. His hands fumbled frequently and his eyebrows were drawn together in worry.

"People are looking for you, it's only a matter of time before the cops are hot on our trails!" He responds, tossing (Y/n) a blue duffle bag and pulling out her clothes from the closet. The girl follows Taehyung's instructions obediently, shoving unfolded jeans and several sweaters into the bag, occasionally looking up to see the elder rushing around in attempts to gather his things. She wasn't quite sure how she felt; half her heart ached for Hoseok knowing he was no doubt the one who filed the report and likely worried sick, but the other half ached to stay with Taehyung despite the many issues they have yet to overcome.

"Where are we going to go? How do you know people are looking for me?" She imterrogated, stressing the male out more than he already was. He groaned.

"I don't know, (y/n), I really don't but I promise I'll figure it out as soon as I can. You've been reported as a missing person and there are posters and signs on every street corner, I gotta get us out of here." He replied, panic clear in his deep voice.

(Y/n) nods and shoves her thoughts aside, as if she was just pushing them into the duffel bag with all her clothes.

Taehyung rushes outside with his suitcase half-zippered and bulging with items, throwing it into the trunk and glancing around to make sure no one was watching. When he comes back inside (Y/n) hands him her bag and a small cooler of food and drinks for the ride, assuming it would be a long one. For a second, his wavering dark eyes meet (Y/n)'s brown ones, lingering for a few moments as he tried to detect any type of fear in them before turning away with a sigh.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) whispers, gripping onto his sleeve as he began to walk away. He faces her, closing his eyes as he exhales deeply.

"I'm fine (Y/n), just a little stressed out." He replies honestly. The girl cups his cheek to look at him directly. He leans into her.

"Everything will be fine and I promise I won't try anything or make this any more difficult than it already is. So, is there anything I can do?" (Y/n) says, her soothing voice calming the male down a great degree.

"Just wash down everything we've touched in the past few days so they can't find our fingerprints. There are disinfectant wipes under the sink."

(Y/n) nods and gets to work, her hand leaving the ghost of it's touch on Taehyung's cheek as he trailed back out to the car.


Hoseok took a shaky breath as he unlocked the front door of (Y/n)'s apartment, pushing the door open with a loud creak and entering hesitantly. It's been a few days since he'd come by and honestly he really didn't want to - too many memories that left Hoseoek feeling empty - but he was dead-set on finding evidence that Taehyung kidnapped (Y/n).

Despite it only being about a week, the apartment was coated in a thin layer of dust and gave off an unsettling sense of abandonment; is if no one had lived there in years. Her room was still littered with clothes from deciding what to wear on her date, her desk was covered in crumpled papers and graphite pencils, and unwashed dishes still sat in the sink. Curiously, Hoseok opened one of the sketchbooks on her desk, he flipped through, a meticulously drawn piece decorating each page. As he neared the end, he noticed a reoccurring drawing, a tall man in black clothes and his face always covered with a hood. Occasionally, the male was drawn without a hood, but his face was always left blank or sometimes covered with flowers. Hoseok wondered what it could mean, (Y/n) was always hiding symbols and hints in her work - that, or something that was bothering her. Hoseok thought back to when she had told him about seeing someone follow inner around and how he had brushed it off jokingly.

Maybe he should have taken it more seriously, and (Y/n) wouldn't be in this position now. He couldn't help but blame himself for what had happened, after all, it's supposed to be his job as her childhood best friend to protect her, isn't it?

Hoseok shook his head, sighing as he put down the sketchbook. He sat in (Y/n)'s desk chair, slumped over, defeated. His eyes welled with tears of frustration, leaning his head back in attempt to keep them at bay. When he returned to his senses, he noticed the desk drawer just beneath his fingertips. Hoseok pulled it open, shuffling through the loose papers and pens until he found something.


Dozens and dozens of notes written in impeccable penmanship and all signed, k.th.

He sorted through them feverishly, reading each sweet compliment and then the next.

It was disturbing, to say the most. Someone was clearly obsessive over (Y/n) and it led Hoseok to believe that whoever had written these letters was potentially her kidnapper - that is if she was kidnapped. The investigator had been sure to remind him that it's possible (Y/n) just ran off to start a new life somewhere else, but Hoseok knew she would never leave him like that, not without warning.

He read the signature at the bottom several times, who did he know with the initials k.th?

Taehyung. He of course didn't know the male's surname, but .th definetly fit and he had been suspicious of him from the start.

Quickly, Hoseok gathered his things along with the sketchbook and what seemed like millions of notes and hurried his way to the police station, making sure to lock the apartment doors on his way out.


Taehyung carried (Y/n)'s sleeping form out to the car, sitting her gently in the passenger seat. At some point during their rush to leave, she had fallen asleep on the couch and Taehyung had not the heart to wake her up, so he finished everything up himself. He buckled the seat belt around her waist and got in the driver's seat, looking over at her lovingly before putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking space. Taehyung had called the owner of the motel and asked him to remove his name from the room and he'd pay extra, the owner asked for far more than Taehyung wanted to pay, but he was willing to if it meant he and his Angel would have a safe getaway.

About an hour through the drive, (Y/n) began to stir, lifting her head and rubbing her eyes gently, "Where are we going?" She asked quietly.

"Far away." He replied vaguely.

(Y/n) nodded, too tired to truly process his answer. Her eyes briefly caught the words that flew by on a street sign.

Welcome to Busan.

oof guys get ready for another character introduction next chapter
vote and comment whatchu think, love you all

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