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petals and paint

"Taehyung! For the last time, stop moving around and keep still so I can finish this!" (Y/n) whined, annoyed but still smiling.

The said male disobeys again to look at her, giggling. They were out in the gardens together having a small picnic while Jimin was working when (Y/n) had suddenly ordered Taehyung to stand still while she went to go get something. She returned only minutes later with her arms full of paint tubes and various other art supplies. Taehyung had looked at her, confused as to why he was being involved in her artwork before she explained that he looked really pretty with all the plants behind him and insisted on painting his portrait. He had smiled at her, nodding enthusiastically.

The chill in the air was bearable, but after an hour and a half of sitting still to have himself painted he began to get cold, shivering slightly but ignoring it for the sake of (Y/n)'s happiness. If she wanted him to sit still, then that he would do. It was hard for him though, whenever she wasn't paying attention to him Taehyung's hand would briefly reach out to steal some of the left over food from the picnic, shoving into his mouth before (Y/n) even noticed.

The frost-bitten garden was very scenic; it's withering plants dying from the dropping temperatures contrasting against Taehyung's stark blonde hair and sun-kissed skin. The stems of flowers and once green leaves had all faded to a autumnal brown. (Y/n)'s fingers had been itching to sketch his features upon her canvas for a while now and her mind had already began wondering what colors were to be found hidden within Taehyung's beautiful black eyes.

The male watched her paint in awe, noting the way her fingertips held the mahogany-handled paintbrush and swiped it across the canvas so gracefully. He watched as her eyes shot up occasionally to survey his position and how she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth in concentration. Her cheeks had dusted a rose pink from the chilly air.

She was so beautiful in everything she did.

Taehyung shivered again, (Y/n) glancing at him in concern.

"That cold?" She asked, pausing her work.

"Mhm," He nodded.

(Y/n) sighed, sliding her easel over to the side and gesturing to her lap. "All I have left is the small details. You can come lay on my lap while I finish, maybe you'll get warmer." She suggested, smiling.

Taehyung grinned happily, moving to lay across the bench and place his head in her lap. His arms went around her waist as he relished in the comfort of her embrace. Curiously, he gazed up to glance at (Y/n)'s painting. Though she wasn't finished, his lips still parted in awe at the similarity - the piece was so realistic and beautiful it could be mistaken for a photograph.

"No way!" He exclaimed, "Angel, that's so good! Yah~ you're so talented~" he cooed at her.

(Y/n) grinned sheepishly, "Thank you, Tae. It could have been better because I rushed it but I'm glad you like it."

"I love it." He confirmed. "I love you."

(Y/n)'s lips tugged at the corners, it was nice to feel loved.

"I love you too." She whispered.

It was nice to give love.

anyone listen to DEAN? he hella cute

also I might attempt to draw Tae in a dying garden now
Sorry it's been so long btw, I promise I'll start posting more, I've just been going through some rough family stuff lately. The next chapter is going to be intense so that's why this one is very lighthearted.


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