[twenty two]

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you're breaking my heart

Hoseok stands on the steps of a grand mansion, craning his head back in awe to absorb every golden detail and the delicate architectural designs of the building. 

Was (Y/n) really here? A place like this? Hoseok wouldn't blame her if she really had just run off with a handsome man to start anew if he owned such a beautiful home like this.

The male takes a step foward and raises his fist to knock on the door, but hesitates. Was he really ready to see what was hidden behind the walls? What if this was all a misunderstanding and (Y/n) wasn't here at all? Could he handle the disappointment that would follow? Hoseok could feel his heart beat racing and his palms begin to slick with anxious sweat, his stomach ties in knots and he suddenly had the overwhelming urge to vomit.

He swallows the saliva collecting under his tongue and finally raps his knuckles against the wooden door.

He waits.

Inside, (Y/n) stares at the door from the lounge, tentative on whether or not she should answer it. Taehyung didn't usually let her answer the door - he didn't like others seeing her - but he was currently showering and Jimin was in the kitchen with the maids preparing dinner for his new guest. (Y/n) looks around before approaching the door slowly.

She turns the knob, cold metal pressing against her fingertips, and pulls it open.


Her eyes open so wide they threaten to fall out of her head as she surveys the male in front of her.

"H-Hoseok." She sputters, overtaken by sudden fear. Her heart jumps to her throat as he lurches foward, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace and holding her like he'd never, ever let go. Her arms stay limp at her sides in shock, even as she feels Hoseok's body tremble against her's in silent sobs.

"Hoseok, you need to leave." She says sternly. "Please, you can't be seen here with me." It breaks her heart to push him away after he's been hurting for so long, but she must get him away from this place. It isn't safe for him, not with Taehyung in his unstable state of mind and if he's caught (Y/n) doesn't know what may happen next. Taehyung could come down the stairs any minute and they'd both be doomed.

"Hoseok, I'm serious you need to go!" She says urgently.

"What? N-no, no you need to come with me! What are you doing here? People are looking for you, I need you back home - " Hoseok objects, holding her by the shoulders and looking at her with tears eyes.

"Seok, this is my home now, you're too late. I can't leave."

"Why? Are you being held hostage or something? I don't understand, (Y/n), help me understand!" He pleads, face flushed pink from both the cold and the fleeting emotions inside of him.

(Y/n) shakes her head. "I'm okay, I can't explain to you why I'm here or what has happened but just know that I'm okay. You need to go home now - before he sees you."


"It doesn't matter. Leave and don't ever come back, right now. Please."

From inside the house, and uncertain voice calls, "(Y/n)? Where'd you go?"

Her chest constricts as she hears Taehyung coming down the stairs.

"Who is that?" Hoseok asks, voice low and angry as he peers inside. 

"Go." (Y/n) mouthes. She kisses him on the nose - just like she did when they were young - and pushes him back with the palm of her hand, shutting the front door in his face. Then she turns to Taehyung.

"I'm right here. Sorry, I just needed some fresh air." (Y/n) says, attempting to control her racing heart and the tears that threatened to spill from her (e/c) eyes.

Taehyung approaches her, eyebrows drawn together in concern. He places the back of his hand on her forehead, his knuckles cold.

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale." He asks, looking her up and down, "You aren't ill are you?"

(Y/n) shakes her head, "I think I'm okay, just a little off." She lies. "I'll go take a shower and maybe I'll feel a little better."

"Okay, Angel. I'll be here" Taehyung responds. He kisses her slowly and then urges her up to the bathroom, but was silently wondering why her kiss seemed only half-hearted.

When she is alone in the steamy confines of the small shower, she cries. Her tears mix with the water trickling down her body and you would only knew she was crying if you heard her choked sobs echoing against the tiles. She didn't know seeing Hoseok would cause so much conflict in her soul.

She loves Taehyung, but loving him is painful. All this time she's been healing him, but too caught up to realize that he was hurting her.

Outside in the long, winding driveway, stood Hoseok leaning on his car. He sniffles and wipes his tears before finally giving up. He gets into the driver's seat and looks once more at the front door of the mansion before pulling away, not willing to admit to himself that this would be the last time he'd ever see his best friend again.

short but important chapter, im sad to say there's only a couple chapters left guys!

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