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officially missing (you)

The following day, after attempting a handful of calls and sending messages to (Y/n)'s phone, Hoseok went with Seokjin and Namjoon to the police station.

As the redhead sat in the backseat of Seokjin's pastel pink Volkswagen Beetle, he concluded two things; firstly, this may be the gayest car in all of history, and secondly, (Y/n) had always been closer to the happy couple than he was - which made the ride that much more difficult. He sat with all his limbs drawn into his body, afraid to make any sort of mess or touch something he wasn't supposed to. The backseat was extremely tidy in contrast to the front, which was littered with empty coffee cups and loose change in the cup holders. A pocket sized dog plushie sat on the dashboard, it's body lopsided against the windshield.

Hoseok felt awkward without conversation despite the presence of steady music from the radio and Namjoon and Jin spoke softly with eachother about their days, unintentionally making Hoseok feel like a third wheel.

I should have had Yoongi come with us . . . Hoseok thought regretfully, wishing he had his boyfriend's hand to hold and his voice to talk to. Unfortunately, the blond was busy in his studio for the day, composing music for his upcoming mixtape.

The eldest suddenly looked up at the younger's face through the rear view mirror to see him solemnly looking out the window. He sighed.

The boy was so quiet without (Y/n) by his side. So shy, unlike all those times he would watch the two at the coffee shop from the front counter as they laughed and joked for hours.

It wasn't much longer until they parallel parked outside the old brick building, it's gold lettered sign beginning to fade and rust. You would think the Seoul Police Department would have enough money to keep their station maintained, but on the contrary, it was quite rundown.

"Would you prefer us to stay in he car or come in with you, Hoseok?" Namjoon asked, turning in his seat to face the male. He bit his lip, "I can handle it myself if you don't want to go in."

Jin unlocked the cardoors and Hoseok went in hesitantly, shoving his hands in his pockets nervously. The inside of the station was a lot nicer then the outside, the white floors sparkled and the walls were covered in framed newspaper articles and awards.

The women at the front desk shot her head up at the sound of the door opening, smiling gently at Hoseok.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

The male nods, "Hi, I'd like to report a missing person case."

The women raised her eyebrows curiously for a moment before typing something into her computer and picking up the corded phone, speaking glibly to the person on the line. Hoseok's eyes wandered as he waited, looking around the station.

"Sir, I'm going to send you into the back room with an investigator. He's just going to ask a couple of questions and then you're free to go." She spoke, her brown eyes shooting a sympathetic glance. The male nods and follows her to the said room, briefly wondering if the interrogation room would look anything like how they were in the movies.

He was disappointed.

As the thick wooden door swung open he was met with not a white interrogation room with white walls and false mirrors but instead a modest office room with a single tidy desk and shelf full of records and books. A very authoritative looking man sat at the desk eating an apple, scribbling away in a notebook. He was probably in his early forties, graying hair and skin just beginning to wrinkle at the corner of his mouth and his forehead. His eyes were gentle and calm, but had deep, black circles under them, indicating that the man hadn't slept in days.

Hoseok bowed respectively and sat in the chair opposite just as the women was leaving.

"Hello, sir." He greeted. The old man nodded, tossing his apple in the trash barrel beside his desk.

"So, I hear you're here to report a missing persons case?" He asks.

"Yes, my best friend (Y/n) went on a date with a guy five days ago. I haven't heard from her since and her apartment has been empty. I think something is very wrong.", Hoseok confirms.

The investigator flips to a new page in his notebook and scribbles down a few words, then looks at Hoseok again.

"What was this man's name?" He questions.

"Taehyung, I think. I don't know his surname. They had been talking for a few days before going out together. They went to the bowling alley a few blocks away, planning to stay out for a few hours and then Taehyung would drop (Y/n) off back home after." Hoseok explained.

"Do you have any suspects?"

"I don't know, I don't want to blame Taehyung straight off the bat. (Y/n) seemed to really really like him, she usually has good judgement. . . But it does seem the most likely." He admitted. The investigator nodded, writing another note on the frayed parchment. Hoseok attempted to discreetly lean over and read the elders writing, but just as he began to read the first letter, the notebook was slammed closed.

"I'll tell you what kiddo," the man began, "I'll check every security camera I can and do some digging, but I need you to try to find any hard proof that this Taehyung guy is a suspect or a anyone else who could have been involved. Can you do that?"

Hoseok nodded, "I can absolutely try. Thank you for your time, sir."

The old investigator smiled, showing his straight, white teeth, "Just doing my job. You're free to go now, just leave your contact information at the front desk, please."

Hoseok bid goodbye and bowed reverently, then stopped.

"I have one question, how often do victims survive cases like (Y/n)'s?" He wondered. The man sighed deeply, clasping his hands.

"That I can't say for sure, but if you want the honest truth - rarely."

Hoseok was afraid he would get an answer like that.


(Y/n) awoke to soft hands stroking her (h/l), (h/c) hair, her head rested on something warm and cozy. Her eyes flutter open to see Taehyung siting against the headboard of the bed, smiling down at her sincerely as she lay in his lap.

"Good morning, Angel." He whispered. "Thank you, thank you so, so much for giving me a second chance, (Y/n). Even though I don't deserve it." He said, worshipping her. His handsome features were casted in golden light from the morning sun that streamed through the window.

The girl shook her head dismissively, "It's in the past now. Let's forget about what happened." She replied.

"Okay." Taehyung agreed softly. "So, what do you want to do today?"

(Y/n) suddenly became aware of how comfortable she was against Taehyung's warm body, his hands in her hair and his dark eyes gazing into hers. She didn't want to move. Not yet at least.

"Let's just stay here for a little bit." She suggested, closing her eyes and burying her face into Taehyung's tummy, who chuckled as he rubbed her back gingerly. She had given in to her emotions.

"That sounds perfect," he grinned.

i've been listening to soft korean songs lately and shitttt man some of them just hit me so hard
go listen to the song ariel by ideadead

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