[twenty three]

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It's been a month since Hoseok showed up at the mansion to bring (Y/n) home. In that month, Jungkook had decided to stay with Jimin and the two had developed some sort of relationship - but neither were quite sure what it was. Taehyung had somehow managed to convince Jimin to let him stay longer than the three weeks he was first granted, "just until I can find someplace else to go?" he had asked, and the elder was too sweet to say no.

Today was the second day of December and to their pleasure, the four had woke up to a pale glow from their windows and a chill rippling down their bodies. Elegant white flurries of snow danced through the air on its way down to the ground, littering the grass like the inside of a snow globe. (Y/n) had taken one glance outside upon waking up and immediately rushed over to the window with childlike glee. Her eyes lit up as she witnessed the scene before her and had practically skipped back to the bed to wake up Taehyung.

"We should all go out and see the first snow together!" Jimin had suggested when everyone gathered at breakfast. (Y/n) and Jungkook were quick to agree, but Taehyung was tired and weary. However, he could never say no to his Angel.

So after breakfast, the four scattered to get dressed and met back up in the lounge ten minutes later, euphoric expressions and young excitement bubbling in their guts.

Jungkook and Jimin had gone ahead, taking their time to take photos and selfies together in the snow, the younger occasionally throwing a snowball at him.

"Wanna see something pretty?" Taehyung whispers, looking at (Y/n) and admiring her rosy cheeks and bright, joyful eyes.

She looked back at him, lips curving into a sweet smile, "Sure, where is it?"

The male stretched out his hand to hers and smiled, "Follow me," he said, winking. (Y/n) entwined her fingers with his, giggling.

The snow and dead leaves crunched beneath their boots as they walked. (Y/n) was wrapped warmly in hundreds of layers of new sweaters, scarves, jackets, socks and mittens to protect herself from the cold. Taehyung had insisted about a week ago on using some of his savings to buy her winter wear since she didn't really have any and his were too big for her.

Taehyung lead (Y/n) far from the mansion through the snow-blanketed woods, weaving between wilting trees and pushing branches from their path.

They soon came to a beautiful crystal lake. Ice sheathed the cold, blue waters, causing the morning light to reflect off the glossy surface like a mirror. It seemed to sparkle and shimmer like broken glass and twinkle like stars in the night sky.

"Woah, it's beautiful here! How'd you find this place?" (Y/n) asked, peering at her reflection in the ice.  Taehyung held the back of her coat to keep her from falling in.

"When Jimin and I were very young, my father took me to the mansion to do buisness with his father. Jimin took me here to go fishing once in the summer and we spent all day swimming." He said, smiling fondly at the memory.

They stood side by side, Taehyung's arm wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist protectively as they watched the lake in it's frozen state. Taehyung's nose went numb from the chill and his fingers trembled despite his gloves, but (Y/n) still stood admiring the nature with a gentle smile, seeming unfazed. Taehyung eventually grew bored of the same scenery and averted his gaze to the (h/c) haired girl beside him, watching her expression in silence.

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