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Was Taehyung mentally ill?
Yes, in this story he suffers from PTSD, bipolar depression, bipolar personality disorder, and paranoia. He was on medication to lessen the effects but he stops taking it because he believes (Y/n)'s love is better than any drug. He also has severe anger management issues.

What was Yoongi's connection to Taehyung?
The two grew up together in Daegu, sometimes accompanied by Jimin, and only had eachother. Yoongi protected Taehyung and was always there for him, he also knew that Taehyung was being abused at home. Yoongi's father was head of the Police Department in Daegu which is how Yoongi knew when Taehyung had been arrested that night and went to bail him out. Yoongi is the one who helped Taehyung escape Daegu after he killed his father and even let the younger take his surname for alibi.

How did (Y/n) and Hoseok meet?
They are childhood best friends and have been neighbors their entire lives. Their mother's were close friends.

Does Hoseok ever find out that Yoongi knew Taehyung?
No, Yoongi never tells him.

Why did Taehyung kidnap (Y/n)?
He wanted to protect her and keep her safe because he believed she was the one most precious thing on earth and believed that they belonged together. He loves her unconditionally and truly felt ashamed deep down that he had put her through so much pain, but he thought it was the best way to ensure she stayed safe. Remember, Taehyung has literally lost everything in his life up to meeting her— kidnapping (Y/n) was not a mean of enslaving her or anything, he was merely afraid that he'd lose her too. And that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

Why did Jungkook kiss (Y/n)?
He is young and stupid and thought that if he kissed (Y/n) he'd know if he were gay or not based upon if he enjoyed the kiss or hated it. He was having an identity crisis pretty much and thought kissing her would sort out how he felt.

Why did (Y/n) kill herself?
She just couldn't take it anymore. She knew her relationship with Taehyung was toxic and fated to end only in pain but she loved him to much to end it. She thought sacrificing herself would, in a way, heal him.
Think of it this way: The moth and the flame. The beautiful whisping flame attracts the love struck moth, pulling it into it's clutches. But the second that moth touches the flame it will burn and turn to ash. So the flame sacrifices itself to spare the moth even though it means the end of their love.
(Sorry my metaphors probably don't make sense.)

What was Taehyung's sister doing all those years Taehyung was gone for?
Eunjin lived with her mother and lied to the police about what happened the night he killed their father. She said that Taehyung was never there in the first place and the killer was definitely not him. She kept in contact with Jimin and Yoongi the entire time her brother was gone, attended college, and lived her life normally in a different city. Her mother died of cancer and since then she's been living on her own. Taehyung was I reachable to her - in fact, if it hadn't been for Jimin she wouldn't have even known he was dead.

Did (Y/n) really love Taehyung? Or was it just an act/did Taehyung just mess with her mind?
Yes, (Y/n) really did fall in love with Taehyung. This is why she never made an attempt to leave him. She was dead-set on healing him and taking away the pain of his past.

Did you purposefully put a big emphasis on Taehyung's "pitch black eyes"?
Absolutely. However, it is up to the reader to decide what that emphasis meant and why it symbolizes so much.

How did the police just suddenly arrive at Jimin's right after (Y/n) and Taehyung die?
It was a big coincedence. Remember, Yoongi tells Hoseok to come clean and tell the police everything he had been hiding. It can be assumed that he told the authorities the address where he found (Y/n) and escorted them there (refer to when Jimin sees the "fearful" boy in the front seat of the police car unaccompanied - that was Hoseok). It just happened that they arrived right after their deaths - everything falls into place.

Have you edited this story yet?
No, not at all actually. I really should get to that but I've been so lazy . . .

Any other questions you'd like to add please inline comment here!

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