[epilogue pt.2 bonus]

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the vote was tied between choices II and III so I decided to combine both prompts! Thank you so much for sticking around and I hope you enjoy the chapter! I can't believe it's been a year since I posted the first chapter of this fanfic, I'm so glad it's received so much love!

The cool December breeze rustles gently through Hoseok's soft hair, playing with the male's black locks as he stands at the base of a large, decorated headstone. His cheeks were painted a rosy pink from the chilled air but his heart felt warm and at ease. Hoseok reads the delicate inscription upon the speckled granite even though he had it engraved in his brain like a tattoo.

Kim Taehyung and (Y/full/n),
Let them forever be at peace, for they couldn't win at their dangerous game of love.
1995—2018    |    1997—2018

The male sighs. It's been two years— a very hard two years at that. However, Hoseok has finally defeated the dark clouds of grief that once overshadowed him; willing to accept that what happened happened, and he cannot change fate. After innumerable sleepless nights, nearly failing out of school, weekly therapy visits, and an almost fatal overdose, Hoseok is finally allowing himself to move on. But, dealing with the loss of his best friend has proven to be the most difficult obstacle he has ever come across in his life.

His fingers grip tighter around the bouquet of white roses in his left hand. The decorative plastic wrap crinkles with the pressure. Hoseok kneels down and places it at the base of the headstone, the knee of his jeans becoming mottled with dirt.

His lips part and break the lonely silence around him, "I miss you, (Y/n). I don't know what happens after death but I hope that whatever it is, it's treating you well. It's been a few months since I last stopped by, huh? I'm sorry about that. I was . . . Dealing with everything." He hesitates. "I wish you were here. Yoongi is doing well, I asked him to stay in the car so I could do this by myself though."

Hoseok breaks his speech to laugh lowly, "Yoongi deserves an award for putting up with me for so long." He notes. "Anyways, I'm finally going to try to let go of everything, (Y/n). I can't live my life in constant pain anymore, and I know deep down that you'd want me to stay happy and stop dwelling on the past. But don't worry, I won't forget you. You'll always be one of the most important chapters of my life."

A stray tear dashes down Hoseok's cheek and his cold fingers fumble to brush it away. Then he smiles sadly, patting the wide headstone as if ruffling (Y/n)'s hair just like he used to as he begins to stand.

With a final exhale of breath, Hoseok turns away, walking back up the path of the cemetery to the parking lot where Yoongi waited in their car.

As he entered and sat upon the leather seats, Yoongi's hand comes up to grasp his own on the console immediately. His thumb rubs soothing circles on Hoseok's knuckles and his soft eyes gaze into his face, peering at the younger's expression for any sign of what he was feeling. Usually after visiting the cemetery, Hoseok would sit back in the passenger seat of the car and sob the whole ride home, clutching at himself as Yoongi drove and attempted (unsuccessfully) to calm him down. Yoongi lets out a heavy breath that he wasn't even aware he was holding when he sees that Hoseok was in fact, not crying. Instead, a look of peace and relief radiates from his simple expression and though his amber-brown eyes were red, he was not in tears. It was almost like he was on autopilot.

"You okay?" Yoongi asks hesitantly, voice gentle.

Hoseok nods, "I'm okay." He whispers back, leaning his head on the cold window, eyes shut in thought.

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