[twenty one]

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computer screens

Hoseok walks into the station and speaks with the receptionist at the front desk, who leads him to the investigator's office at the very end of the hallway. Now he sits - spine straight and hands in his lap - on the foldable chair beside the large desk, waiting for the old man to arrive. The receptionist had informed Hoseok that he would only have to wait a few minutes - the investigator's shift begins in just a little bit, but after thirty minutes passes Hoseok grows rather bored.

The boy just wanted to know if he had uncovered anything else about (Y/n)'s case, but if he had to wait so long he would rather leave a note and come back later. He had a dance class to teach in a couple of hours anyways and would prefer to get home in time to prepare.

So, Hoseok stands from his seat, wandering over to the desk to find a post-it note and a pen. As he reaches for the note pad his hand jostles the mouse and the computer screen lights up the room with a reluctant sputter; the sound of outdated gears fitting into place inside the monitor.

Hoseok's eyes widen at the display on the screen, thousands of tabs open showing documents and emails to Busan Police Department, security cameras saved in folders and digital files all on (Y/n) disappearance. Hoseok's curiousity gets the best of him and before he can stop himself, his butt is planted in the large office chair and his fingers grasp the mouse as he scrolls through all the information on the screen, absorbing everything he can.

On one tab is a google maps page, opened up to show directions to an address in Busan. Hoseok's heart thumps in his chest at the possibility of that being (Y/n)'s whereabouts.

In a fit of excitement - adrenaline rushing through his veins like a survivor of a freak accident - Hoseok takes off, grabbing his jacket off the chair and even forgetting to write the note for the investigator. He wasn't even thinking as he runs out the station and gets into his car, pulling out speedily and setting off on his way using the GPS to guide him to his destination. All he knew was that (Y/n) might be at the end of this car ride and that's all he cared about.

All that mattered to him now, was getting to that address as fast as he could.


Jimin smiles as he watches Jungkook walk beside him, eyes glancing around at his surroundings with the curiousity of a child.

He was surprised to say the least, that the boy had accepted his invitation to come home with him despite his fears. Over the past few days the pair had grown rather close as their morning bus schedules mingled together. Each morning, Jungkook would arrive at the station with a coffee in one hand and a muffin or pastry for Jimin in the other. They would wait patiently together and converse happily as they did so, usually sitting together on the bus as well. Sometimes, just seeing eachother in the mornings wasn't enough and they turned to messaging online during all hours of the day to make up for it.

It was safe to say they had both grown quite fond of eachother.

Jungkook trusted Jimin, enough to tell him one night over text that at home, he was being abused. It was unfortunate, his father passed away when he was at the age of ten, and since then his mother had taken out her stress and heartbreak on her son through yelling and harmful punishments. Even more unfortunate that even though Jungkook was eighteen and legally an adult, he lacked the money to move out of his childhood home and go somewhere he'd be happier.

So today when the younger arrived with swelling welts in the shape of handprints on his neck, Jimin had gone out on a limb and invited him to stay at his home until he was ready to return to his mother. He wasn't expecting him to say yes as he knew the boy's mother was extremely strict and only really let him out of the house for school and work, but to his surprise he did and now they were standing in front of the mansion with stars in Jungkook's eyes.

Jimin had picked up on the younger's small habits; biting his lips, covering his mouth when he laughed, how his big doe eyes twinkled when he smiled and even how he found it difficult to keep eye contact with people - he was always looking down shyly when he spoke to him. One of the most prominent things he noticed though was how Jungkook seemed so timid in person, but during their late night text sessions, he always seemed more confident and outgoing.

"It's a big place, so I'm sure you'll find yourself with plenty of room to get comfortable with. And you can always come get me if you ever need anything. You're welcome to stay as long as you wish." Jimin said, looking at the younger and gesturing for him to come inside.

"Woah, this is really where you live?" Jungkook remarks, gripping the straps of his backpack as Jimin opens the front door for him. Jimin nods, chucking.

"It's really nice here! Thank you, for letting me stay."

"Of course, it's far too much space for me anyways." Jimin says, "I will have to warn you though, my best friend and his girlfriend stay here temporarily as well since they have no where else to go, but Taehyung - he can be a little strange. I love him like a brother but do look out for him."

Jungkook nods hesitantly.

Jimin leads him upstairs and to another spare room just across from his own. He smiles proudly watching the younger stare in awe at the rooms they passed through, eyes lingering on the gold lining in the walls and the high chandeliers. Though it was lonely, Jimin had to admit, showing off his home was the fun perk to owning such a lovely mansion.

"This will be your room. There's a private bathroom attached to it too, I'll leave you to set up and put your things away. If you need me I'll be in the room across the hall, okay?" Jimin says, showing a welcoming grin.

"Thank you, Jimin hyung. I really do appreciate it."

"Not a problem, don't even thank me!"

With another smile and a teasing bow, Jimin turns away and leaves the boy to his things. Just as he shuts the door behind him and turns the corner, he's interrupted by a smirking girl with excitement bright on her eyes. She wiggles her eyebrows teasingly.

"So who's the boy, Chiminie?" (Y/n) jokes, hands on her hips.

Jimin rolls his eyes.

Completely unedited! Sorry if there are any big mistakes.

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