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The only noise to be heard in the dark office was the frantic scribbling of the investigator's blue pen in his frayed notebook. He was close, so close. After many restless nights of sitting awake in bed, mulling over all the things he had uncovered about this case over and over again, he was finally getting nearer to solving it. The investigator hated taking too long on a case, he hated not having answers and he hated being confused. It was much like the stress and unsatisfied feelings of starting a puzzle, and then never being able to finish it.

Busan Police Department had given the investigator access to their security cameras and he was then able to track the car registered under Min Taehyung to the home of a successful businessman, Park Jimin. Which added a new suspect to the mix.

In a hurry, the man packed his briefcase of notes and documents and locked up his office, heading out of the station before anyone could stop him. He would take the train straight to the address in Busan for interrogation without wasting anymore time because he knew: the longer it takes to crack a missing person's case, the less likely he would be to find the victim still breathing.

Perhaps it wasn't the best decision to leave without telling anyone in case this interrogation went terribly wrong, but the investigator didn't think much of it, believing he could handle whatever came at him. Plus, no one would be looking for him anyways; his shift had just ended.

This was a fatal mistake.


Three rapid knocks sounded on the main entrance of the mansion. Momentarily, Taehyung stared at the door waiting for someone else to get it, but forgot that it was Sunday and all the maids and butlers that worked for Jimin had the day off. Jimin wasn't home either.

(Y/n) looked at the door curiously, wondering who it could be.

"I'll be back, sweetheart. Why don't you head up to the bedroom?" Taehyung suggested, moving towards the door just as the person on the other side knocked again.

Whoever it was, they were persistent.

Once Taehyung saw (Y/n)'s form disappear over the top stair, he opened the door to greet the stranger.

A tall man, around his forties maybe with graying hair and skin just beginning to wrinkle stood before him. He looked important, authoritative, intimidating even. As he flashed his silver badge that read, Chief Investigator; Seoul from his wallet, Taehyung understood why.

"Good evening, I'm here to ask some questions about the missing person's case in Seoul. May I come in?" He asked in a gruff voice.

Taehyung blanked. They had caught on to him. His Angel was in danger and the man in front of him was now a threat, if he found out about (Y/n) he would certainly take her away from him. His mind mulled over several ways this could go wrong and several more ways he could fix this.

"Sir?" The man called, noting Taehyung's fearful expression.

"Oh, uh, yeah sorry. Come in." He replied hesitantly. Taehyung took a deep breath, and put on his most convincing smile. His eyes flickered upstairs briefly, silently pleading that (Y/n) would not come downstairs for the next thirty minutes or so. This action did not go unnoticed by the observational investigator.

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