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"(Y/n), wake up, angel. We're here." Taehyung said, brushing the girl's pretty (h/c) hair out of her face. She roused slowly, her eyes fluttering opened as she glanced around at her surroundings. She was still in the car, but everything had been taken out and she assumed that Taehyung had already brought everything inside wherever they were staying. She was still a bit groggy, barely processing Taehyung's hands at her waist unbuckling the seatbelt and then pulling her from her seat, holding her gently against his chest.

"Where are we?" She muttered.

"Busan. We're going to stay with a good friend of mine." Taehyung responded, pressing his lips in a thin line.

(Y/n) lifted her gaze, suddenly aware of the huge mansion in front of her accompanied by the long winding driveway Taehyung' car was parked in. It stood four stories tall, its pristine white walls decorated with elegant gold-pane windows and it's beautifully maintained lawn scattered with marble statues, fountains and pretty red rose bushes. (Y/n) jaw fell open, her eyes wide as she wondered how Taehyung could possibly have a friend living in such a high status.

"Pretty, isn't it? Jimin's lucky; his father's highly successful company went straight to his name when he died and now he's got all this money and a home fit for a king. Not too lucky though I suppose, because he has no one to share it with and he definetly doesn't have you." Taehyung says, noticing (Y/n)'s awed expression.

She nods, leaning her head into Taehyung's hard chest, still tired.

"You can go to bed when we get inside if you're still sleepy, Jimin made up a guest room for us. And dinner is being made too." He says, then chuckles lowly when he realizes the young girl had fallen asleep once again while he was talking. How she could possibly still be tired was a mystery to him. He enters the spacious home and slips his shoes off, nodding at Jimin who gave him a look that could only mean, we need to talk before heading upstairs to their designated room.

He layed (Y/n) onto the bed delicately, then shimmied her jeans down her legs and tucked the white and gold duvet around her body. He kissed her forehead, glancing at her once more before leaving to meet with the probably-fuming boy downstairs. He was not looking forward to the lecture he was sure he'd get, despite the fact that he knows everything Jimin will say will be true. Taehyung navigates his way through the mansion until he finds the dining room where the short blonde sat, taping his fingers impatiently on the table.

"So, " the elder starts with a glare, "Do you want to explain to me why you've suddenly texted me saying you needed somewhere safe to stay after five years of no contact?" He spits. Taehyung couldn't remember a time he had seen the male this angry at him.
Disappointed yes, but never angry.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously, "Some, uh . . . Some stuff came up." He mutters sheepishly.

Jimin sighs, "Taehyung, sit down. Talk to me. Tell me what's been going on, please." He begged. Taehyung followed his orders, taking a seat at the chair farthest away from Jimin, still avoiding eye-contact.

"-and look at me." Jimin added, irritated. Taehyung did, dark eyes wavering.

"You know, I tried really hard to call you after you disappeared. I called your sister to ask how everything was since you weren't answering. She was freaking out, Taehyung. She said you killed your father." He said.

Taehyung's heart stopped, his voice caught in his throat as he inhaled deeply. He shook his head frantically, tears welling his eyes.

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