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your emotions always get the best of you

Taehyung doesn't remember much, only waking up feeling nauseous and dizzy then throwing up in the garden. After that he'd sit back down on the front porch for a moment and wonder what he was doing outside in the middle of the night, how he had gotten there, and where he came from. And why did he feel drunk and hungover?

He stumbles inside, clutching his head that was throbbing with a migraine, still wondering why he was outdoors in the first place. He pours himself a glass of water in the kitchen, fingers twitching unnaturally and then wanders upstairs in search of (Y/n), tripping at least twice in the process.

Taehyung's hand wraps around the door handle of their shared bedroom, but his dilated eyes don't find a form on the bed or the light on in the bathroom, just the digital clock flashing 3:34 am in red numbers. Panic strikes him slightly as he scans his surroundings for his Angel, not seeing her anywhere. His aching feet carry him through the mansion with sudden urgency until he reaches Jimin's bedroom door. Swaying slightly, his hand turns the knob.

His black orbs scan the sheets of the bed, finding not one - but two figures tangled in the blankets. His jaw drops as he recognizes (Y/n)'s face on Jimin's shoulder.

Anger; an emotion Taehyung felt often, in fact, the most often besides fear. He had not quite come to terms with the mind-numbing qualities of his anger.

His feet take pounding steps now as he approaches the bed, snatching (Y/n) into his arms and transporting her back to their bedroom, the whole time his eyes shoot daggers at Jimin who had woken up startled by Taehyung's swift movements. Taehyung tucks her into the proper bed and the returns to Jimin, who sat up in his own bed with his eyes wide.

Taehyung seizes his short collar in rage, glaring at the elder, "What do you think you're doing?" He growls. "Taking advantage with my angel while she sleeps!"

Jimin shakes his head frantically, hands up in surrender, "Tae calm down! Are you drunk?" He asks incredulously.

Taehyung raises a fist threateningly and he flinches, "Stop! I wasn't taking advantage of her, she came in here to watch a movie and she fell asleep on me! I didn't want to wake her!" Jimin defends.

The younger clenches his jaw, seething.

"Bullshit." He barks. Taehyung wasn't quite sure where this sudden energy was coming, all he knew was his head hurt, Jimin was just in bed with his (Y/n), and he was pissed off.

Before he could even process what he was doing, his fist collides with Jimin's cheekbone with near-crushing impact and leaves the elder whimpering. His eyes widen, not quite comprehending that Kim Taehyung, his childhood best friend had just punched him in the face in his own home over some stupid misunderstanding because he was completely and utterly shit-faced. But then the pain sinks in to confirm it and before he knew it another fist was coming his way, Taehyung's knuckles colliding with his jaw painfully. It takes a second for Jimin to set himself into action, pushing Taehyung's heavy body off himself and to the floor, rolling up out of bed and straddling the younger's waist, knee on his chest.

Now, Jimin was pissed off. Something no one wanted to witness. His skin burned and he could feel his cheek swelling with a nasty purple bruise as he slams Taehyung's arms above his head, successfully immobilizing him. 

"How dare you." Jimin seethes. "You fuck up, kidnap a girl, hide from authorities and I generously give you a place to stay. I feed you, lend you money, don't make you or your girlfriend - or whatever she is - pay rent and what do you do? You disappear, get drunk and return in the dead of the night, and punch me in the face! Yeah, really grateful Taehyung, you're a wonderful guest! You accuse me of sleeping with your girlfriend? She was lonely and worried because you left without explanation and have been acting strange all week! What's your problem?" Jimin shouts at him. "Get your shit together, Taehyung or your gonna have to find another place to stay." He threatens, letting go of his wrists and standing up.

"Get outta my room." He growls.

Taehyung stumbles up ungracefully and turns to leave, not without shooting a nasty look at the elder and slamming the door shut on his way out, not another word slipping past his lips. Jimin sighs, shaking his head. Jimin was the only one left for Taehyung, and he couldn't even show a shred of respect or appreciation towards him?

What had he gotten himself into?

Psychotic. That's what you are, Taehyung. Jimin thought, crossing his arms like a child before getting back into bed, his cheekbone and his jaw still throbbing with pain. That guy could really pack a punch, even drunk.

You're turning into your father. Jimin whispered, knowing Taehyung couldn't hear him, but secretly wishing he could.

i'm sorry i don't update often, i've just been sad. sorry for the short chapter too . . . it's unedited.

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