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Hoseok sat in his usual booth at the cozy coffee shop downtown. The only difference was that this time, he was alone. His head felt heavy and his brown eyes were glazed over with exhaustion. He hadn't slept much in the past few days - how could he when his best friend was missing?

Seokjin approached the table with a smile, his arm holding a silver platter with a large caramel macchiato and a chocolate croissant.

"Hey, Hoseok!" He greets, placing his order on the table, "Where's (Y/n) at? You never come here alone."

The red-haired male stiffens visibly, his hand pausing outstretched as he went to reach for his drink. Jin's eyebrows furrow in concern.

"I - I don't know. I don't know where she is . . . " he whispers, fear accentuated in his voice. Seokjin sits across from Hoseok, confusion clear on his features.

"What do you mean? Did you guys get in a fight?" He asks.

Hoseok shakes his head, "No, she went on a date with this guy two days ago -Taehyung was his name I think- and she said she'd call me when she got home and she never did. I thought maybe she was just tired and forgot or that she had gone to his home instead. But she didn't call me the next morning either, so I went to her apartment to check on her. She wasn't there and I haven't seen her in class, she won't even respond to my texts messages and it's been four days." Hoseok takes a deep, shaking breath, looking at Seokjin in distress, "I think something's wrong. Something is very, very wrong."

The elder exhaled, deep in thought.


(Y/n)'s whole body erupted with anxious chills as she heard the familiar ringtone of her phone in the next room. It was Hoseok's ringtone, the upbeat k-pop song they had loved when they were in highschool together blaring from inside a drawer in the kitchen. She and Taehyung were currently sitting on the couch, watching crappy television. The male's arm was wrapped around her shoulder delicately. She had begun to be more open to physical contact with him.

Taehyung's jaw clenches as he heard the irritating noises ring incessantly for the ninth time that hour. He should have just shut the damn thing off when he confiscated it.

"Taehyung? Can I please answer the phone, just this once to tell Hoseok I'm okay? I won't tell him anything els-"

The black-eyed boy cuts her off, "Absolutely not. Enough with this Hoseok guy, Angel." He says, trying to keep calm and not let his anger swallow him whole.

"Please, I won't ever bring it up again, you have to understand! Hoseok and I have been best friends practically since birth, he's probably worried sick!" She exclaims, leaning away from his arm and making her way to the kitchen.

Taehyung pounces, grabbing her by the sleeve and pulling her back to the couch, a scowl painted across his features.

"I. Said. No." He repeats, punctuating each word with a sharp tongue.

(Y/n) wouldn't let him come between her and Hoseok, no guy ever would, her best friend was too important to her.

"You don't own me." She spat, venom dripping from her lips. "You have to remember, you were the one who kidnapped me and locked me away in the first place!" Taehyung's jaw clenches and his hands curl into fists, "Hoseok has a right to be concerned, he has no idea where I am and to the extent of his knowledge, you probably killed me!" She tears her arm from his grasp and it becomes a race to the kitchen.

Taehyung makes it there first, his long legs giving him an advantage. The male takes the phone from the drawer and swiftly whips his hand at a downwards angle, sending the device into the tiled floor and shattering on impact. (Y/n) gapes at him, jaw ajar and eyes wide in disbelief.

Suddenly, the bare reality of things smashes into him like a brick wall. He had lost control . . . again. He hadn't meant to let his emotions get the best of him. He had failed her again, and probably diminished the trust the poor girl had built up for him in the past few days. His eyes waver as he registers (Y/n)'s look of pure indignation. Her hand moves like a blur and slaps him across the face, wrenching his neck sideways at a  dangerous speed. He barely feels the physical pain, just the disgrace and feelings of shame that weighed down his shoulders.

(Y/n) pushes past him, crying as she made her way to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

After a moment, he hesitantly makes his way to the door, his hand outstretched to grasp the handle, but he pauses. He leans his back against the wood instead, wrapping his arms around his knees as he slid to the floor and listened to his Angel's heart breaking sobs from inside the room.


"(Y/n), I'm so sorry."

"That's all you ever say! And then the next day you do something else and it's like you never learn your lesson. I'm trying, Taehyung, really! I want to help you, I want to trust you and forgive you but you keep messing with my stupid emotions. Everything would be so much easier if I had never met you!"

Taehyung feels hot tears leak down his cheeks; it was the truth, and he couldn't be mad at her because she was right. She was right and he knew it.

All he ever did was ruin things. He was a disaster. A tornado that demolishes everything in it's path with it's raging chaos. How quickly had he jumped from being pleasant and sweet, to suddenly seething with fury?

"But I'm willing. I'm willing to try one more time, Taehyung. I know I shouldn't but I feel something for you. I don't know what, but it's something and I can't stop it." She says, her voice raspy from crying. Taehyung's heart skips a beat.

"This is your last chance, don't fuck it up, Taehyung. Don't lose yourself."


(Y/n) woke up some hours later. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was only 2:30am. The silence of the motel was overwhelming. Memories flood back to her and she remembers crying herself to sleep, Taehung outside the door. Sitting up from the mattress, she decides to go and check on him, because as much of an ass that he is, she still cared.

After all, he had suffered from so much, was it really his fault that he was like this? Maybe not, but he still had no right to treat (Y/n) is if she was just his property.

As she opens the door, Taehyung's sleeping body (which had previously been leaning against it) comes flooding in, slumping onto the carpet. She sighs.

(Y/n) urges him up into bed and covers the boy with the blankets, then she climbs in beside him and curls up on her pillow. Still asleep, Taehyung's arms wrap around her waist and pull her against his chest in a comfortable embrace.

She contemplates moving away, but decides the warmth was quite nice . . .

oof short chapter sorry idk what this was

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