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the motel

(Y/n)'s eyes peel open reluctantly. Her head throbs with a pain incomparable to anything else and her limbs feel glued to the bed that she layed upon. It takes her a few moments to recollect her thought and process where she was - a small bedroom with pale blue walls and gray curtains, the heating system humming in the corner. A gel ice pack was pressed against her forehead where she could feel what was probably a hideously purple bruise and the covers were pulled up to her chin. Clearly whoever had brought her here had also taken good care of her and patched up her bruises as best they could.

(Y/n) attempted to sit up, every muscle in her body screaming otherwise but she knew she had to figure out where exactly she was and who had taken her here. And why did she feel as if she'd just been hit by a bus?

Then the memories began to cascade back into her mind like a waterfall.


Taehyung and his piercing onyx eyes and raven hair, his box-like smiles and lean, slender build.

His strong, violent arms wrapping around her like a snake, his soft hands holding the rag against her mouth and his tragically regretful expression the last thing she saw as she hit the ground.

Taehyung, who wasn't as perfect as (Y/n) was lead to believe.

She frantically stumbled out of the bed, untangling her legs from the blankets. The sudden movement made her head spin and her sight to briefly go black. Unsteadily, (Y/n) made her way to the door, pushing her weight against it and turning the knob, but her attempts were fruitless - it was locked from the outside.

She looked around the room for another exit, her eyes drawn to the tinted blue light of the morning sky from the window.

The window.

She staggered over, hitting her hip against the corner of the bed painfully. Her fingers attach to the window and pulls up the glass slide, there was no screen, but there was still a twenty or so foot drop to the pavement. The wind blew (Y/n)'s hair over her eyes as she peered down daringly.

Suddenly, the bedroom door clicks and swings open slowly. She jerks her head towards the noise and jumps away from the window, like a child caught doing something bad.

Taehyung stands with a tray in his hands, the aroma or ramen noodle soup wafting through the room from the small porcelain bowl. (Y/n) recoils against the wall in uncertainty and the male in front of her sighs.

"I'm glad you're awake. I brought you soup." He speaks gently, his low voice could have been soothing if the circumstances were different. He doesn't mention (Y/n)'s attempt at escaping.

"I'm not hungry." She lies, muttering.

"Don't lie." Taehyung responds, a fake smile painted across his face. Why was he acting so nonchalant? Had he not just kidnapped her?

"Where am I?"

"A motel."


Taehyung's features twist into a stern frown, "We'll talk about it after you eat." He nearly growls.

(Y/n) flinches and immediately the male's eyes soften and he regrets the tone he used.

Taehyung sighs, "I'm sorry. I know this is probably very confusing to you. I promise I'll explain to you everything, but for now, just know that you're safe." He says, "Now, eat."

(Y/n) looks at him suspiciously before taking the bowl of ramen reluctantly.

"You just kidnapped me, Taehyung. How am I supposed to know this is not poisoned?" She points out. The black haired male rolls his eyes before taking a bite to prove there was no harm in the soup.

(Y/n)'s stomach growls and she gives up on being stubborn, finally eating the long noodles and sipping the broth at the bottom. Taehyung watches her from against the wall until she finishes and then takes the bowl when she's done.

"Can I get you anything else, Angel?" He asks.

(Y/n) raises an eyebrow, "Angel?" She repeats, scoffing. "Yeah, how about some damn information on what's going on."

Taehyung takes a deep, shaky breath, "Please, don't be mad at me." He whispers, looking down at his feet shamefully, "I took you here to protect you. You'll be safer here, and happier." He spoke.

"I want to go home." (Y/n) complained.

He looks up at her, his dark orbs piercing into her, "This is your home now, I'm your home. You belong here with me,"

"You're insane."

Taehyung suddenly smirks, leaning against the mattress and into (Y/n)'s face, "Maybe I am," he admits. His hand smooths up her arm and to her jaw, then he places his first two fingers under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes, "But its you that makes me this way." He adds, his voice a husky whisper.

(Y/n) gulps as he leans in, but when there is a mere centimeter left between their lips Taheyung pulls back with a deep chuckle.

"Now, to answer some of your questions, we are at a motel. We're still in Seoul, in fact, I think we'll stay here for at least a few days. We'll have to leave eventually, though." Taehyung explains, crossing his arms and attaching his back against the opposite wall again.

"Why can't I go home?" (Y/n) asks again, tears pooling in her eyes. But she wouldn't let herself cry, she'd be weak, vulnerable, and submissive if she did.

"I told you, I'm protecting you. You belong here with me, I promise I'll give you anything you want except for letting you go, I'll make sure you're happy. Just," Taehyung stops momentarily, looking up at the ceiling. "Just, don't be scared of me, please. I'm only doing this because I love you, you're all I ever wanted."

For a second, (Y/n) sees something flash across Taehyung's expression. Fear? Pain? How could he love her when they had just met?

"I know you're confused and things don't make sense, I know you're probably uncomfortable with me. But I swear on my life to take care of you and never hurt you. All I ask for right now, is your trust. I can't let anything happen to you." He continues.

(Y/n)'s head hurts. She just wanted to sleep and wake up in a different reality. One where things were normal. One where she understand her emotions and why she still felt something for the handsome psychopath who had just kidnapped her.

What was going on?

Perhaps she was still asleep, and this is all just a daydream.

>> was this a bit lousy? I feel it was.
I'm not so great at writing so I'd love some constructive criticism, don't hesitate to let me know what you think so I can improve!
Vote and comment, hope you're enjoying the story so far!


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