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the demon with angel wings

It was a chilly Saturday morning. Puddles littered the pavement from a previous rain storm and a light breeze swept through the air. (Y/n) was fed up with being stuck in her small apartment for the past few days and felt a trip to her favorite cafe was long overdue. Plus, she could definitely go for a large cup of coffee after such a long week of stress.

She gathered her things and set out to her car in the apartment complex parking lot, it's silver paint beginning to chip off and turn to orange rust as it wore out. (Y/n) gets in, starting the ignition and heading off down the street.

The cafe was only five minutes away - (Y/n) would have walked if it wasn't so cold - so it wasn't long before she was parked and entering the cozy building. It smelt of sweet pastries and fresh coffee grounds and bustled with an unusual amount of people. Most days it wasn't too busy in the morning with a quiet atmosphere great for reading or working on assignments and then it was at it's busiest around noon time when people came for their lunch break.

The (h/c) haired girl stepped in line and waited her turn to order. As she approached the counter, the pretty brown eyes of the cafe's owner looked back at her and he smiled gently.

"(Y/n)-ah, nice to see you again!" He greeted with a small wave.

The young girl grinned back at Seokjin, someone she'd gotten very close too after coming to his cafe so often. He was twenty-six, extremely successful and recently engaged to his boyfriend Namjoon who helped (Y/n) with her studies sometimes. Namjoon was a high school English and Literature teacher nearby.

The pair were inseparable and have been together through so much, she was overjoyed for them when she heard the news.

"Good morning, Jin! You're so busy this morning so I'll be quick, but we should catch up soon since it's been a while!"

The male nodded, "Of course, call me sometime." He says, "Now, what can I get for you?"

(Y/n) places her order and finds a seat by the window, it seemed to be the last one available so she claimed it swiftly. She scrolled through social media posts as she waited, expecting it to take longer than usual since it was so crowded today. She didn't mind though, more time to relax in her favorite spot of town.

Ten minutes pass before Namjoon bounds up to her table with a wide and friendly smile. She forgot that on the weekends he worked at the cafe as well to help Seokjin.

"Hi, (Y/n)! Jin told me you were here so I offered to bring you your order so I could come see you. How've you been?" He said, handing (Y/n) her caramel latte and cherry vanilla pastry.

She thanks him before sighing dramatically, "I'm not gonna lie, school is beating me up. I've been so tired lately I barely have enough energy to get into the elevator at my complex. So many assignments piling up at once . . . " The girl complains.

Namjoon puckers his lips and pats her head sympathetically.

"Don't worry, it'll get better you just have to push through these last few years of college and you're free! And hey, if you don't graduate, you can just become a stripper instead. I hear they make good money, kiddo." He jokes, a coy grin teasing on his lips.

"That's really comforting, thanks Joonie." (Y/n) replies sarcastically, a smile spreading across her face. He laughs.

The two talk for a few moments more before he dismisses himself with a chuckle due to his fiancé shouting from the counter to 'get his ass back in the kitchen'. Then, (Y/n) is  left alone to savor her treats and let go of all her current problems and worries —well until she leaves this cafe at least.

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