Author's Note

45 27 4

Hey guys 😊,

Been a very active reader of wattpad stories and they just inspire me a lot.

Well apparently this is my first book to write. I have this incredible story just cooked up in my mind and just felt to try write it share my ideas. 💥

I may not have breathtaking grammar or points here and there, but please just give my book a chance. It would include lots of facts, quotes, real life situations that may or may not relate to you somehow but for the least, you'll learn something valuable in any perspective.✔✔

If you find any errors feel free to point it out. I love being corrected. 😇

I have that drive to write the story out so I'll just do it. Promise I'll edit it when I get time.

Another thing, this is an imaginary book. Anything included in it is out of my brain's work so if you find anything familiar it's total coincidence.

I will put my all in this book. Please don't copy out my stuff. I'll also appreciate getting your opinions on it.

Lastly, don't forget to click that ★button. Hehe means a lot. Not that am forcing anyone but would it really hurt to just just feel how that star button tastes? 😅

Lots of love.
wynnemsorh. 💕

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