7°The blazzing fire

36 17 3

Lance POV

It's on a Friday noon. A day after my horror encounter from the angel of breaking hearts.

I have been locking myself just in my apartment. All this happening is just too much to consume in.

Am sure you now wondering what really happened in that office. The obvious happened.
My ego couldn't withstand all the lies that we're bubbling up out of her mouth.

She started giving excuses on why she did what she did five months ago. All I can remember that plain point she kept on going around on it.
'My job..business..stress..media'

Showing up after five months she now comes to give me a closure? Worse of defending herself on her self well being? And she dare have the balls to just show up at my office, waste my valuable time to listen to her egocentric character?

Heartless bitch.

I angrily chased her out of my office. I had lost control of my anger for the heaviness on my heart had then found a breakthrough out. She didn't oblige.

My security came and carried her off as she was shouting the sorry words. Why do such humans like her get to exist? Break every piece of you then have guts to show up defend themselves on their egotistical being?

Not only had she turned the dark side of me but also she had caused a scene. There has been a viral short video of the last bit of the scenario on the net.
She has caused a discussion awakening what was buried long ago. I bet this is part of her cranky plans.

I hear a knock at the door. I assume it. I don't need or want company right now. I just want to find my inner peace. Then there were other continuous bangs at my door.

"Bro if you don't open up, we'll crash in through."

It's Lyre. I have been ignoring them since the whole of yesterday after the commotion. I knew pretty well if I don't open he will break my door.
So I just wake up from the couch and lazily open the door.

"What's up guys?" I groaned when I saw it's Lyre and Vold.

"Morning sunshine." Vold utters as he makes his way inside.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Yo dude, you can't lock up yourself here forever. You have some errands to take care of and a reputation to keep. Come on." Lyre says as he maintains our eye contact.

"He has a big point. Buckle up let's play FIFA." Vold suggests.

As much as I needed some alone time, hate to admit it that it's a waste. They are saying the naked truth.
My job, my dad, my friends have so much faith in me, I can't fail them over a 'nobody'.

I picked the pads and we started the game.

I really needed this. I don't care if they took a day off from job but I needed them here. It's good to know you have friends who cares about you despite all the fuss that is out there.

"There is a Street blast concert tomorrow night. We can't miss this annual party."
Lyre speaks in a serious tone.
You'd probably think he's talking about work ideas or propagandas on his job. He likes to have fun probably has more psych than us. But what he does best is drink himself to death guess that what he fancies himself with.

"Yeap and you Mr," Vold turns his face from the screen to me, "have no vote on this."

"I can cook for you guys French fries and cheese burgers if we don't go to it." I openly defend hoping they'll fall for it.

"Uum..." Vold hesitates as if he's thinking otherwise on it.

"Ooh No no! Vold he'll obviously take take aways from Glorious Restaurant in the name of *I've cooked it myself*" Lyre focuses on Vold.

Damn! Lyre come on. Don't do this to me.

"Could have accepted but then I've remembered you tricked us last year with that same offer so that you could go beat up some random guy who offended you at work."
Vold shoots a yes-you-did-asshole look on me while folding his arms.

"I need new lines on you ladies."
I smirked feeling defeated.

They just assumed me. Yeah they always do this when I call them that.

"Okay fine. I'll go." I gave up.


The party has been opened and within minutes it's already packed. The place they've located it is so huge, that can accommodate a thousand people so imagine how huge it is.

Am just at the counter where the bartender is serving lost minds like me. Vold is at the dance floor dancing with some chiq. Well that's his thing. He loves partying since it gives him a floor to dance off his heart out.

Lyre on the other hand is drinking on limits. Yes Sophie joined us of course who would let her guy just be surrounded by hungry sexy hot sauces all over alone?
One of the many reasons relationships ain't my thing anymore.

Vold taps my back causing me to jolt. I'm retrieved from thoughtful world to reality.

"Heyo bro, you're good?" He worriedly enquires.

"Yeah yeah. What's up?" I openly responded for he looks perplexed by something that's for sure.

"Well I am logging off. Wanna catch up with..."
He shoots me a look at the direction where the lady he was dancing with is at and winks at her. She blushes.

I get the point his driving. Well at least he's got something to keep him busy for the night.

"Okay cool. Take care. We'll talk later on." I devilishly smirk at his beating around the bush.

"Awesome but just don't leave here without having fun. Lyre is well taken care of today. Later." He states and I just nodded.
He hurriedly walks off.

Well one thing for sure, I need to let loose from all the fatigue from job and Braxton. I am Lance who am I kidding. No one messes up with me.

With that chit-chat with myself I walked off to the upper floor and suit myself with tequila shots at the counter and just watch people dancing.

One person catches my attention. She's at the centre of the dance floor. She's incredible. Her curves, the way she moves her hips to the song is just...wow! She so off from this troubling world and just in her sweet world. Her smile portrays it all.

I just found myself walking to where she was. I join in and flow to her moves making sure to make a respectable distance. I don't want her to think am a creep and make a fool of myself.

She pulls herself on me and starts twerking on me. Rubbing her behind on my front. Making circular and box moves. No one has ever danced on me in a very intense seductive way. I can feel my member hardening.
Damn she's killing me.

I turn her to face me, took my time looking at those hazel eyes.
She looks familiar but I don't seem to remember where I saw her. I gently held her soft chin and planted a kiss on her lips. She didn't push me back, she flowed into the kiss. Her soft strawberry sweet lips wakes up the wolf in me. Hungrily she grabs my hair and pressed her breast on me.
Shiet! Am now starving for her.

She moves her lips to my ears and softly utters, "Let's get out of here Captain."

Yeeeiy! Thanks guys for being patient with my book. ❤You guys are just wow! Love you all❤
wynnemsorh 💕

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