31° Drawn to Ice.

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Lance's POV

I stood by the window just looking outside my office that gave me a clear view of the city. In distress, i heavily sighed and adjusted my tie.

One whole fucking week? Come back to me, will you?

I understand she needed the leave, family is always important. I heavily close my eyes recalling of the incredible moments we've spent with her for two months now before she left to visit her pops.

As much as am fighting hard to admit the bare truth but she is growing inside me and that creeps the shit out of me. I only wanted to use her as I've used many women for my satisfaction nothing much, nothing less but everything with her gives me a ounce of guilt that am a arrogant self being.

All the picnics, hangouts, dinners we had with her have made me taste the feeling that it's not so bad to fall in love again. There will always be a but somewhere when it comes to the L-word.

I want her to an extent that am craving for more than an hour we spend when we meet. More than i think she is willing to offer. I feel like being patient with her but the question that kills inside is does she have the same feelings towards me? The last thing i want is a one-sided type of a connection which my ex-fiance, Braxton gave me.

There will always be something about 'women'. You may think you've won the race of winning her over yet you haven't yet crossed the starting point or you've ran and become the first but then you got disqualified for you were never on the racing list.

I want her more than being a friend. She has been a crawling bee inside of me and i don't know if to kill it or host it that maybe just maybe it won't sting me instead it yields honey inside me.

"Can i get a cup of latte delivered to my office, right now?"

"Yes sir, right away."
My secretary answered.

I drew a pile of documents from the drawer that require my ultmost attention hoping it will draw my mind out of my lost world.

"Thank you."
I softly utter to whomever delivered my delivery as i buried myself on the paperwork.

After hours locked on my desk, i took out my phone from my jacket and went to the messages.
Enough with the silence.
I scrolled to Mars.

The sun is melting my eyes, when is the winter coming back.

Desperately awaiting for her reply, i went to my gallery and passed by the three pictures i once secretly managed to snap since she was too stubborn to allow me take them.
Something about 'i being weird'.
To a man that mean 'you super cool' to her so that is a sign of gratitude.

A genuine smile crept on my face as i remember that time. How hard my crotch was when she was wet on the pool in a bikini and a short short. I was mostly just staring at her unsure how i would tell her i crave so her so badly. Her beauty mouth-watering, her simplicity-complex is just sexy.

Wait, did you just mistake me for a weather forecaster?

I let out a giggle while shaking my head in disbelief of how cold she is. How can she just shove off my humour being to a sarcasm?
She always make me look like an idiot, dammit!

Coming morrow morning.

Great, she will pay dearly for that twist.

Awesome. Tell me when you arrive i pick you by the airport.

Not necessary pal.

Here we go again, shoving me off. Not going to allow that cold shoulder lie on my chest.

Then i deserve to know when the airport you'll be in departs.

Convincing her otherwise is never comforting so i can just figure out another way to get to her.

Attached, huh? Okay i will inform you creep. Gotta feed my cat, talk later.

That vibe that you feel that someone has a crush on you and then you're not sure they actually are or if you are just really really self-absorbed.
Current feeling on her.

Yeah sure Miss Ice.

Well as you can just figure out, i was given the Mr Creep nickname and as of tradition, i gave her the Miss Ice.
It suits her right.
She always has a way to freeze me which i find it so intimidating that she is a pain in the arse type.
Gives me high hopes that we can get along real well.


"Look who is falling in love."
Lyre utters with a devilish smirk on his happy face.

I never like that look; it's always troublesome scented.

"Just shut the f up man. I ain't a loverboy type."
I defended while taking a puff of the blunt Vold brought.

"You like her, just admit it."
Vold shrugs.

I took a heavy inhale, leaned at the back of the couch and exhaled.
"Yeah i do, sadly."

Lyre raises an eyebrow while sipping his drink.

I shrugged and closed my eyes letting myself fall to that cloud zone of comfort trip.

"Just ask her. Am sure she is convincing herself that you don't have feelings for her since you haven't confessed them to her."
Vold says as he looks at me with the serious look.

Wish it was so simple doing it like the way it's simple for him to just state it out.

"Whatever man. Enough with her. I'll bring the chessboard."
I shoved the topic and walked off to the cupboard where Vold mostly keeps the it.

We are at his place just having some boys time since its on a weekend. Plus i needed some company to keep my mind distracted.

Its around 10am and I've started off with a win on the first round with Lyre.
Despite feeling a little high from the morning puffs, i am still strong on the game.

I pulled out my phone and a message pops up on the screen.

Hey, i have departed. Happy?


"Guys i have to leave like asap. She is almost to land."
I look around for my coat.

"Tf!" Lyre exclaims.

"You look terrible man. Just use my shower and suit yourself with a proper clothing."
Vold looks at me with a worried look.

"Saviour. Thanks man."
I dushed out to briefly clean up and changed to a casual shirt that matched with the cargo pants i had worn.

I took a cap and a sunglass. The last thing i don't want is to embarrass myself since am under the influence of a drug.

Dammit! I hope am not late.
I took a taxi and started to check on the airport's dash table.


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