18° Reputation

18 8 2

Lance's POV

"What is wrong with you son? Didn't i warn you about staying away from Alvin?
That fucking brat huh? Wasn't i clear enough? Do you realise you have a reputation to keep? You have a lot of potential here, in the company.
I expect you to rule when am far away working out there expanding your future treasures yet you're out there fighting with some mere boy? What are you? Some 4 year boy?"

That's enough.
I can't stand this old man with all his lectures.

I took my coat from his couch and made my way out. I need to get out of this house. 

"Don't you dare walk away when am talking to you, you little kid? Are you running off to go cry at the toilet? Don't be girlish."

Lance, calm down.
Don't blow up here. You might lose your tempers and beat your old pops which isn't something pleasing to do. You love him remember? He is just on his mood swings like he's on his regular menses.

I looked at him straight in the eyes and realised how much he's distant to my social life that all he thinks is just his company, fame and money. Not a single concern on his only kid's whereabouts.

Am actually getting used to this. It is just me and my choices. Am tired of all the bossing around.

I could use some drink right now. Fuck! Why do things just go off hands when all my intentions is to just mind my own business.

Alvin will pay for all this fuss. What he's up to is what am just not really able to discover. He's just flipping me into my tempers and fights which i swore not to do since my past teenage things. They just go me bruises, holes and pain.
Nothing of pleasure. 

"Cody, drive me to my apartment right away."

"Okay sir."

I grab some ice from the counter at my front seat and placed in one my 'burning' forehead.
That son of a bitch will fucking pay for this.

"Is the bruise that bad Cody?"
I ask my driver, Cody. Whom is just my dad's age bracket. I consider him like my father. He's loyal and hardworking man whom is so blessed with a lovely wife and two kids.

"Another fight huh?"

I just shrugged from his enquiry.

"Not really. The bruise is beautiful if that's what you want to hear."

Oh forgot to mention he does get into my blood but in a humour manner that i feel to be so comfortable with him.

"It wasn't my will to fight him. He pressed the wrong button and i couldn't stand all the humiliation anymore."

"I know you didn't. But deep down you know you're giving him what he wants from you. To blow up and embarrass you."

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