21° Cheers to new beginnings

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Mars' POV

"Come closer honey, damn i've missed you. Come."

He attempts to draw me into his embrace and in the struggle of freeing myself, i smelt liquor on his breath.

I haven't even had my night well started and now i will have to handle with this lunatic.

"Get off me Alvin. Get off me."
I try my all pushing him off but still am just on the weaker side of this battle.

"Ooh babygirl don't be rude. I know you've missed me. Kissy kissy."
He draws near my face and the smell of his breath is sickening.

Batman where are you?

I suddenly felt disguise that no one around me can just be my saviour to get me out of this nightmare.

"Dude haven't you heard the lady? Move off her."

All of a sudden, my eyes focused on today's hero of the day.
Of course Alvin never accepts to be on the losing side of anything.
I remember all as if it was yesterday.

"Ma'am are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Snapped out of dark memories, i jolted.

"No. Just struggle bruises but am fine. Thank you so much for the help."

He smirked. "I could use a tort as an offer of appreciation."

A game huh!
Fine by me. I've never  turned down club games.

"Two torts of the available hard drink."

"Whoa! Tough choice. Where are my manners! Am Vold."

"Am Mars."

He abruptly drifted his focus from his tort, to stare at me.
This is so awkward.
Is my name that weird?
Ouch! I've always thought it is a cute lovely one!

"What? Is my name that terrible?"
In disbelief, i just stared back at him waiting for him to respond back. I watched him gulp down his drink.

"Must say you look more cute under the club lights Miss Greyson."

What the heck!
How does he know my second name?

"Do i know you? How did you know that's my second name?"

I helplessly watched a grin form on his face.
"Relax! Am just a workmate."

Before i could respond back, i saw Sharm waving for me as if its a signal.
"Uuh nice to meet you Mr."

"Pleasure is all mine. Guess i will see you around Mars."
With that, he winked, grabbed his coat and disappeared into the dance floor.

Did i push him off!
No. I didn't.
Its just so weird.
I haven't seen him at the work premises and here he knows me not to mention, how is that possible?
I don't know everyone's at job.
Feels so awkward.

"Hey sorry had to disrupt. All is set. We are just waiting for you."
Sharm softly broke the silence between us as soon as i got near him.

"No its okay. Thanks a bunch.
Shall we?"

The start off was flowing according to our plan. Toasts and stuffs.

I knew the time had come and i had to share the big news. A part of me is so squeaked about it but another is so dark.

It's a tough decision and i know i had to make it someday. It had to be this way somehow but the issue is how she will take the news.

As much as it is clinging me from the inside, i know it might destroy her. I mean, its my best friend we talking about.
The crazy female i have been with for almost five years or so.
My ride or die.

I know she needs me around. Help out with Ash. Despite the fact that i am willing to stay around that much, it kills me coz i have a life to live for.

With that i can now focus on what i want, my next move and stuffs. I love her.
She knows that.
And it breaks me to break it to her that i will be moving out.

My own apartment.
Probably at Winchester block that is nearby at my work place.
A half an hour drive from her place.

I now have a job.
Money to fit in my own needs.
Not to be a kinda burden to her.

Its a favour am doing.
To both of us.
She needs to focus much on Ash's needs and welfare and not to worry about me anymore.
I got this.

She'll understand.
I know she will.
Its a big step am taking.
Here goes nothing.

"Apples. Bananas. Pineapples. Papaya." 
I shouted.

"I got this. Wait. Wait."
I smiled when she squeals to answer my puzzle.

Kimberly answers.

The angry frowny face Kimb got from Cumb is priceless.
Well it was an open puzzle.

I giggles, "Next time honey."

"I have something important to share with you guys."

All eyes were on me.
A gulp made its way out of my mouth.

"Cumb darling, am so happy you back. Girl i thought you would go eat and be a hippo when you come back. Shame."

"You better take that back you human. I'll slaughter you."

Relieved from that threat I've got from her, i continued.
"Now that everything is working down on my side, i feel like its a miracle. Thank you all for being there for me at my dark moments. Especially you love."

I hulled down the tort that was near me. Chills of how i will bring out this news.
"Am moving out. To Winchester block near Snorve premises."

No facial expressions.
Calm the f up.

"Aaww big girl now. Am so happy for you honey, you need this. Come."
With that i was drawn into a warm sisterly hug.
The rest joined in and the overwhelming joy made my emotions to sink deep.
Involuntarily few drops of tears made their way out of my eyes.

"I desperately need a best friend's dance right now." Cumb shouts at my ear.

Club music, always at the peak.
We made our way to the dance floor and flowed in with the song.

This are the days you just feel *wow*. What did i really do to deserve this love?

In just few minutes, i felt a load lifted off my shoulders.
A clear sight of my next move.
All for the best of me and to  everyone who is family to me.

Deal with Alvin,
Work my ass off,
Focus on finding my happiness,
And the most important thing; be a Mars Greyston.

Slowly i faded off into sweetness of new beginnings.
What more could i ask for!


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