9°Catch-ups and late news,couldn't been worse off!

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Cumber's POV

I hate mornings especially after a night of drinking and partying since you are back to being sober. All your problems just come knocking at your door. You'll eventually have to open the door since they'll still haunt you down if you don't. Guess from that you've known am not a morning person. Yes it just sucks.

I groan as I walk to the kitchen and make us coffee.
Yes ain't first time at Darve's house. He's always the one who likes we hang out at his place. Not that am complaining. It's super cool. Spacious, huge rooms. His house is just wow! Am just happy for his success.
As for the rest of us, we just praying waiting for rapture. No sign of miracle.

I grab some hangover pills from the drawer and swallowed them.
I look at the clock.
Ooh dammit. I haven't called Deary and check on my baby.

"Morning. You look like crap." Sharm walks in the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah. Have to go check on my baby. She must be worried sick of my absence or some voodoo spirits have kidnapped her."
I worriedly explain to him as he swallows the pills.

"You worry too much dear. How about you give a call first. We take breakfast then you can go hold her? Am making pancakes. You don't wanna miss them."
He convincingly say as he takes the cooking apron and wears it.

"Quite charming fuckface. Smart move." I smirked.

"You can't abandon us today especially the fact you'll leave tomorrow. I am going to mi..." He devilishly utters but I disrupt him.

"Please don't start those shady I'll-miss-you lines. They just don't suit you hun."

"You know what, I'll make you three pancakes for that. That mouth of yours needs some sweetness."

"Yeah. Amaze me Chef. I'll go make a call. Just make sure you kill yourself before I get back."

"Karma is a bitch. You heartless." He says wearing that poker face.

"Whatever." I chuckle at his drama and rush out to make a call.

After the call, I now can relax.
At least for some hours then I leave go check on her personally.
I went out to the guest room check on Mars. She hasn't woken up yet.

She worries me sometimes.
The way she sleeps a lot, you might think she's passed out or something. How will she manage when she gets a job?
I really wonder.

"Hey, wake up sunshine." I rub her back.
She groans as she turns to face the side am leaning towards her.

"My head." She said while rubbing her eyes.

"About that, wake your smart ass out of the bed. The pills aren't here." I smirked.

"You heartless." She utters will trying to get up.
Okay the second person today telling me am heartless?
Am I?

"You ain't coming?" Mars snaps me out my thoughts.


The pancakes were actually amazing. As always.
Sharm is a professional chef.
Imagine a tall, handsome, energetic guy not to mention who knows how to cook is just not a playboy!

Like heck yeah! Would pay him be my personal chef and own him for fucks sake.
He's a yes yes.
But naaah I just admire him as a friend. He's one adorable guy. Full of ambitions, dreams and characters I just wish all men could nourish their deeds with.
Sure can't wait nature grants him his dream girl.

Later on, Kimberly joins us. Wherever she was,am glad she's okay.
Well she's one mysterious being. It's so hard to know what's going on in her head. Found it hard to adapt to her character when we were minors in campus and till now I am still puzzled. She's one tough but still I like her presence in the crew.
At least the crew is balanced off. The crazy me, the stubborn Mars, the mysterious Kimberly, the handsome chief chef and the smart ass nerdy Darve.

We all went to the park with Ash and spent the whole afternoon just having fun, taking selfies. Having ice creams and cheese fries.
After the hangout we all parted ways. Had to get home pack my stuffs and Ash's. Tomorrow is going to be a long way travel. Am just thrilled by the thought.


Mars' POV

I honestly can't tell you what actually happened at the party yesterday. Images are so blurry but one image is so clear in my mind.
His kiss.

All day am just still feeling it. It seemed just so real. His blue eyes are just whoa! They can just make you drop your pants from just one espy of it.

Haven't told Cumb about it. I mean I was high to point out loud. Feelings and horniness just flow together, right?
Whatever that was all about was just the party heat. Nothing much. I've got real worries to take care of not minor tweaks.

"How about this one?"
I lift up a blue cotton sweater.

"Naah. Heard it's sunny there. Light clothes please human." Cumb wears a worried look.

"Okay. How about this one? Mmmh? Light enough?"

"Are you kidding me? My nightdress lingerie? Am I going to seduce my pink bedroom wall?"

"You said light clothes, didn't you?"

"Okay now you ain't helping. Shu! Shu! I'll pack myself."

"Aaawww now you don't want my help?"

She shoots me the angry glares. Yeap the price of my stubbornness.

"Okay okay. Lemmi cook us something then I'll help you." I openly offered.

"Thank goodness. You're a pain in the ass. I really hope you know that." She shrugs.

"I love you too doll." I smirked.

I decided to make smoked salmon and serve with quail eggs. As I scrambled the eggs, I hear a beep in my pocket.
I finished up and checked out my phone.

A news latest update notification.

Just a reminder, to those who wish to apply the vacant position on market manager at Snorve Company, here is your time to shine. There will be an interview next week Tuesday. All the best.

I don't know what I feel right now. Happiness or stress. Yes I have always wanted a real thing like an interview but really? It's just a day after tomorrow.

Whoa! Like where do I have to start? I mean it's Snorve Company. The country's best stock exchange company.

You need to be perfectly prepared for it. Bravery, documents, personification, wears and lots. Ooh holies. Am I even ready for this?

I have to. I need to. I am desperate for a real job plus I have some serious debt I have to pay up by next week or else am so doomed.

Let's just say, nature has it's way of doing things. Maybe it's a test or something. Oh men! When was the last time I strengthened my faith in God?

What can I say! Everything happens for a reason, right?

Hey loves, how do you feel about Cumber's departure and Mars' late interview post?
Don't forget to click the shiny miracle working star below. Lol ;)
wynnemsorh 💕

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