30° You suck at that shit Mr.

13 7 0

Mars' POV

Well that was an awkward encounter at the mall. Is he like some type of a ghostly being just popping up when am trying my best to shove him off from my brain!

Lazily i opened the fridge and took out a monster can and a tin full of cookies .
I sat at the stool next to the breakfast bar taking my time of the world having my breakfast.

To make matters weird enough, he lives the next block from mine.
Why does anything to do with him keeps getting creepy as time goes by?

I scrolled down my phone and called my mother. Damn! Its been days since i talked to them so probably that's why am not at peace with myself.

It goes to voicemail. Weird. She never switches her phone off.
So i called dad. It rang for a few minutes and he picked when the all was almost to cut off.

"Hey dad."
I smoothly greeted in cheers.

"Hey lost sheep. How has she been?"
He hoarsely teased.

"Am great dad. Just busy with jobs here and there. Was just checking in see how you guys are holding up."

"Am glad you doing better. We  here are holding up fine just missing you kiddo."

"I will come visit probably next week. I really miss you all. Where is mum anyway? Her phone keeps going to the voicemail."

"She's probably at a town meeting."

"Meeting? Wait, did she get promoted?"
My mum has been working at the community services as an attendant on the elderly at the center. She has been talking about doing more for the center so probably she got the better post.

"She did. You really have to pass  by we catch up. Plus Carly has been the same same stubborn individual."
I couldn't help but giggle knowing how much i miss that cat.

"I will dad. Say hi for mum please. I will talk to you soon."

"Sure will. Take care honey."

With that brief talk with my superhero daddy, i took a long comforting relief as i finished my forth cookie.

After a few minutes of staring at the TV's screen, i picked the remote and turned on the tv.
I saw a popping white light blinking on the phone.

A message.

Groaning, i woke up from the couch and picked my phone.

Morning neighbour.

Helplessly i smiled sheepishly as i read the message.

Morning too neighbour.

I don't want to sound too into him than i have already so i kept my reply normal plain enough.

Can i pick you up in an hour's time?
Figured its better we go early we can catch some fish unlike when the sun is noon-hot.

Oh great! Now am the lame student who don't know shit about fishing education.

Sounds fine by me. Call me when you out of the house.

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