23° Job frustrations

16 8 0

Lance's POV

"I need those documents i asked for Cassandra. Like right now."
I scoffed.

"Right away sir."
She grabs the forms i had displayed them on her desk and walks to the file room.

"Ooh and sir, Miss Mars called in asking for a day off. She's feeling sick."

Astonished, i shot her an abrupt look.
She's sick??
On a Monday!
The only overworked day of the week?

"Did she specify how serious she's ill? Has she gotten any  treatments?"
Curiously i asked.

"I honestly don't know but she just requested to be excused sir."
Innocently she replied.

That's when it hit me.
Was it weird i got curious about her being sick??
I mean, she's part of the family 'job family' so yes i have a right to ask, right?
Plus not to mention i now stand for my dad since he's been busy lately and hasn't found time to check in at his office as the head.
I hope the sickness ain't a serious one.
Who am i kidding?
Its probably hangover shit.

The tight busy schedule i have on my back is so not picnic.
A lot of meetings to attend to.
Dad really needs to come back from that business trip or am going to fucking lose my mind here.

Which reminds me.
I haven't talked to him since we last had a fight.
He always finds a way into my veins and it works every time.
Deep down i know he is right.

I haven't been the perfect son he wants me to be.
Any father would want for their son.
I messed up.
Fuck! That's no lie.

Am just recollecting myself and trying to set my path right.
Not his way though.
Want it my way.
Am a grown ass man now so he doesn't have to scoff me whenever he feels like.
To pour his job frustrations drink on me.

I want to make him proud.
But i want him to believe in me for once.

You need to earn his trust again.
You've fucked up over and over and its time for new changes.
The manhood in me is shrinking off since my only mentor doesn't have a 'future sight' on me.

Sometimes a man has to talk to his inner core and reason out logics and facts about himself and everyone around him.

With so much in my mind, i feel more relaxed to the consumed job world.
Makes me think more about my goals.
What i have always wanted.

After working on several paper works, i glanced at the watch.
Its almost 3pm and i haven't grabbed something to eat.
Fudge! And i have a meeting in a half hours time.

In this rush hour i cant properly eat something.
I ordered hamburgers.
They can do for now.

After eating two of them it was almost time.
I grabbed my documents and headed to the conference room.

Great! Another two hours seated again.
Listening to the many big deals we have for the company.
I can't believe this is the frustration dad gets.
How the heck does he even manage??

After the meeting ended, i grabbed my stuff. Focused, i headed toward the door.

"Mr Lance. Can i have a moment with you?"

Mr Cray tapped me by the shoulders directing me to the next room.

"Yeah, sure."
I complied.
Why shouldn't i?
He's one of the respected people i acknowledge in this facility.

"So how are you holding up? Noticed the old man ain't back yet from the business trip."

"Just consumed with all the busy schedules but am doing fine. Why ask?"

He walked to the table and leaned by it. Have to admit, never seen him this more overworked as if something is burning him from the inside.

"Well i am just concerned. Since there was a fuss between you and Braxton, you've seemed to be  concrete. Plus the fight with that Alvin boy it has gotten me worried."

Now this, i wasn't expecting.
Those are three-four weeks past events.
Why bring it now??

"I am doing fine. I really appreciate your concern though. Means a lot."
I faked a smile.

He nodded knowingly what i meant.
I don't need people to think so kiddish of me since my dad isn't around to watch me out.

I find it hard to trust anyone especially those on the board.
With all the greed, fame, power you just feel that couscous instinct in you.

I made my way out of the room without drawing any attention to anyone around, i made my way to my office.

As much as i hate to admit this, its still the named truth.
Everything is easier when my old man is around.
I feel like collapsing.

Tired, i groaned as i walked off to the elevator.
I really need a shower and vodka.

Its around 7.
I drove to my usual restaurant.
Since am so worked up, i took a take away.

After parking at the lot, took my time slugging through the stairs to my apartment floor.
Once i reached at my door, i noticed a commotion at the nearby apartment block.
Winchester Block.
Seems someone is moving in to the vacant house.

Once i was in, i threw myself at sofa.
Meditating all the inputs and outputs my computerised human mind had to deal with today is overwhelming.
After taking several bites of my meal, i grabbed the bottle from the fridge and headed out for some fresh air.  

I leaned by the balcony and i stared at the sky. I let the bitter taste of vodka slide through my throat into my stomach.
Now that is the sweetness.

I closed my eyes trying to absorb whatever is cooked up in my mind.
It's so late can't figure out why one house lights are on.
Maybe its the new neighbour.

Since my balcony is just opposite to the other block, i can vividly see what's on the other side.
I continued to look at the lit window of the house as there are several movements then the lights were turned out.

I really wonder who that is.
Definitely isn't a family moving in after all.
Cliché how am happy on that fact knowingly i am also reaching the age of marriage.

After debating on staying here a little longer, i need to still wake up early for job.
With that fact, i walked inside and forced myself to sleep.
Can't wait to face the wraths awaited tomorrow.

When my eyes are starting to shut off, i noticed my phone from the night stand screen's goes on then off.
Probably a message.
A message this hour is possibly not worth to wake up and check.
It can wait till morning.


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