12°Whoa! Me? Whaaaaaat!

18 9 12

Mars' POV

I can do this.
Fuck it! Been waiting since morning for this chance.
I can't screw up this opportunity.

Sweet Jesus, walk with me through.
Interviews do give one thrills and chills even you've prepared it for a day or so. I don't know if it's just only me or what but am so naive having a lot of butterflies in my stomach just flying around inside.

I need to stop madness. I kept my phone into vibration mode,  shoved it into my pocket, picked all my necessities, walked to the door and started to assemble all guts and courage buried inside me and made it to the door.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

I made my way inside the room. Took a quick moment to familiarise with the room and just to be precise noted there were four interviews. Four different personalities or they're the same. Only one way to find out.

Steadily i fastened my walking pace towards them so as not to be seen as a waste time while wearing a genuine smile.


I greeted each and every one of them but the last individual who looked younger than the rest made me nervous from his firm glares.

Does he know me or am i now paranoid?

Nevertheless he's a hottie. Those mesmerizing blue eyes are breath taking gorgeous. Where do they come from? Pacific or Atlantic?

Focus Mars.

There was a minute silence or so where i waited to be instructed further. I don't want to sound like an overconfident naïve Peron who has no purpose on being interviewed on by the best company. I mentally, physically, emotionally tried not to focus on the guy but he keeps looking at me lustful.

You probably wondering why i am saying that, well the answer is complicated. I feel totally bare naked. It's like his eyes are doing  ex-ray on my inner body. Just striping me off, cloth by cloth. Tossing them away one by one.

Very weird, i know but if he doesn't stop I'll definitely freak out. As if he has read my thoughts, i see a smirk forming. Yeah great, i now look like an idiot.

Immediately with that he uttered in a husky sexy sexy voice, "Please have a seat ma'am. Just do a brief introduction of yourself, present your documents and we will take it from there."

Let's do this and get over with this chilling moment. Without hesitation, i softly spoke, "Thank you. Evening gentlemen," the rest nodded except for him. He just continues to maintain the eye contact between us still wearing an official serious face which is so making me more nervous but i can't fail this.

I don't know much about men but one thing for sure i see like he is trying his best to lure me not to freak out.

Do i look that fragile on this course? Okay too much over thinking, time for real action.

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