27° Can we, you know!

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Lance's POV

I swallowed hard the heavy saliva and felt it make its glorious way down my gullet.
I want to shut my eyes and believe this is all just a fantasy sight but reality mercilessly smacked me.

Her beauty especially in the dress is mesmerising breathtaking.
She brings out a classic vibe in her mighty.

I watch her pay the driver off and confused, she looked around as if in search of something or someone specific.

The gentleman in me makes his way steadily to where she stood.
Unfortunately on that 'heroic' walk, i got a phone call.

Fuck it.
I cursed as i grabbed my phone from my jeans.
Great timing dad.
I hissed as i swiped to the green side.

I ended isolating myself to have a man talk with my old man. After a half an hour of business talks, he notifies me he is travelling back tomorrow.

I want to admit i am not happy of his return but I'll be lying.
All the hectic up and down job schedules are no picnic. Need a hand.

After the call, i sipped the last bit of my champagne as i walked back to the house. Everything was now set and everyone was already feasting.

I looked around and noted she's talking with Megan, our data analyst.
Frustrated she isn't alone, i headed to the kitchen to have a bite of a steak.
My stomach is annoyingly screaming food! Food!

"She's stunning."

Startled i looked by my side and met eye to eye with Cayley. She has been a loyal employee for my dad since he started this business and she is almost my dad's age so she's a parent figure to me.

Oh great! She caught me gazing at Mars. Whatever! Truth be put to the open.

"She is."
I briefly uttered back. A sharp pain pierced through me from the bare truth. It's not only me who sees that in her and soon someone will win her over yet i haven't made the proper move.

As she was seated by the deck, focused on her phone, i decided to do it.
"Hello Miss Greyson." 
Fully composed, i stretched out my hand to her.

She smiled as she woke up from the seat and greeted back.
"Hello too Mr Dwight."

"Please Lance is okay with me." I carefully flowed through trying to lighten the official mode.
"Do you mind?"
I smiled as i gestured at the chair next to her.

She responds in a tension as she nodded and the cringe on her face showed it all. She is flinging  when am near her.

"Wine?" I ask not sure if that is her take.

"Yes. Thank you."
She softly planted an innocent smile on her face as i took two glasses and handed her one.

I couldn't help but smirk on the inside that i found myself again glazing at her. She moved flinging hair at the back of her ear in nervousness and the mighty feeling am having deep within me is inevitable.

"Its really a nice place. You live here?" After the hum and ham she questions as she looked around.

"Don't get me wrong. I meant i just asked from curiosity since I've been told you the host."
She nervously bit her lip and i just couldn't stand it.
I felt to just hold her by her cheek, turn her and dangerously kiss her like am her first.

I swiftly scratched my chin trying to contain the little dirty devils inside me.
"No. I don't live here. Though just one of my father's properties." I softly smiled and took a sip of my drink.

"Ooh okay."
She abruptly responds as if she was waiting to cut off the topic.

That clinches it. Maybe a walk around would tame the tension.

"Is it okay if i show you around? You'll be amazed of the architecture of this whole place."
I lightly suggest hoping she accepts.
This whole eyes around us isn't comforting at all.

She nodded. I stood up and showed the way. I let her walk out of the door first as i followed behind.

I gestured her by my hand showing her to step inside the garden's gate.
"Smells so nice. Freshly new cuts and well taken care off flowers."

I watched her halt, lifted her head up, closed her eyes briefly as she drew in heavily the fragrance of the garden.
A sheepish smile formed as i immediately turned to look at the flowers when i saw her open her eyes.

"Very true. So peaceful. I sometimes come here just to chill out."
I took a quick glance around in search of the bench. Its been a while since i came here. Months. So there certainly have been changes at the place which one of them is that they probably moved them.

"You look stunning in that dress."
I powered as i couldn't cease looking at her.

The blushing pink cheeks. Two adorable dimples formed on them.
"Thank you."

I felt like thunder clouds just sunk me inside them and clog around me.

I cleared my throat shrugging off that weak feeling. Silently we walked towards the pool area.
"Hot bubbling water."

Mesmerized, she revealed the amazement she had.

"I can just ask you to not shy off, hop in and swim, i don't mind but then it would make me look creepy." I teased.

She chuckled. "Yeah. That would sound so weird."

"Let's sit by the bench. I feel my legs disowning me and my belly screaming my eardrums out."
I honestly admit.

"Old enough?"
She giggled.

"Lets just say, barbeque treats do come in handy."
I sat by the left and her on the right.

"Is blue your favourite colour?"
I don't know why i fucking asked that, but it just slipped out of my mouth.

She turned to face me with a smirk.
"Stalker, huh?"

"Ouch! Just being observant. That's all."
I shrugged.

"Yes. Its my favourite. Yours?"
She enquired as she sipped her wine.

No one has ever asked me that question so it came with its bang.
"Maybe black. Grey. Both."

"You funny."
She chuckled.

"I like you Mars. I have been since when we first met at the, " I paused and maintained the eye contact, "at the bar. You were alone by the bartender bars."

Confused, she shot me a unsure look while in deep thoughts so i continued with the description.
"I was with my boys and we were discussing something about uh!"

"Drunk women. Vomited on you."
She started to join the dots.

"You remember?"
Amused from the fact she actually recalls though she really looked tanked up that day.

"Good memory."
She shrugged.

"An open wound. You rejected my drink."
I wore a frownly face as i recalled how frustrated i was.

"I surely can't remember that. Am glad i did. Not good to accept things from strangers. So not my thing."
She lightly chuckle.

"Can we, you know. Be friends?"
Crystal, i nervously asked.

She lifted her wine glass at me with a smirk on her face.
"To friendship."


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