32° Creep enough?

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Mars' POV

The flight took a while before we landed. Guess you could say am not used to flying every now and then.

I walked down the stairs and moved to the luggage area. Took out my briefcase and walked to the arrival waiting area.

I hope she doesn't keep me waiting here.

I looked at his messages and he hasn't replied me yet.

Wow! He ain't you boyfriend sweetheart so calm your tits down.

I had a chit-chat with myself as i  plugged in my earphones and clicked on Location song by Khalid. I let myself drift to the lyrics as my mind plays the foreplays of each moment i feel cringed by his charms.

Lance Dwight.

What are you doing to me?
He has been throbbing inside since i left. He is the only thing i have been thinking off since. The kind of joy i feel that am back here is full proof of evidence of how i just want him next just listening to his deep sexy bass voice.

I look around trying to spot Cumber who should have arrived by now.
Immediately i look to my left, i spot a body figure am familiar off walking to where i stood.

From the black cap and dark sunglasses i can't figure the face out.

Probably a stranger coming to pick his family.

I convince myself since there are alot of people next to me waiting.

"I hope i haven't kept you waiting Miss Ice."

There is only one person who calls me by that ugly nickname.

That is the only word that managed to creep out of my lips from the disbelief.

"Here, let me help." I watch him pick the briefcase.
"I have a curb waiting. Come."

"Wait, how did... Shit!"
I immediately recalled i had told his when i alighted the plane he probably must have done his research and now here he is.

He smirked at me as he started to walk off to the exit of the building.
Suddenly something pops up in my mind.


I desperately wanted her to be the first to pick me up but who would say NO to Mr Sexy.
I texted her.

We walk to the parking lot.
"Was this necessary?"
I raised an eye brow at him.

"I know, had to show you how sexy i can be."
He hands the driver and he keeps the luggage at the boot.

"If you wish. Thanks though. My girlfriend was to pick me up but seems she is held up somewhere."

"You deserve it."

He opened the door, not that i mind. He is just trying to woo me something am now already used to it for the past months we have been linking up with him.

"You look weird with the glasses and a cap. Vampire much?"
I ask.

"Maybe. How was the flight?"
He didn't just change the topic that quenchfully. What's with him?

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