4°Knock! knock! Troubles

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Lance's POV

Why her!
Why here!
Why now!
Why! Why! Why!

I might be dreaming. This was the least surprise I expected to have today. It's not really her. It can't be her. Was this what fate is answering to my plea prayers? Now?

No I might be passing out. But I haven't drunk more than two bottles of beer so am super okay. Ain't tripping.

My sightful-eyes debated with my reasoning-brain as I tried to take a closer look at her. It's her ain't mistaken.

"Whoa! Tell me you didn't miss to see that punch part that Lyre has been given."
Vold yells at me. Guess I was too consumed in my thoughts didn't realise I was still beside him all along. I jolted but don't face him still looking to the side where the shock of my evening was.

"Man are you okay? You look like you've seen a gho-s-t-what-the-heck!"
To my estimations from his hesitating last statements, guess he has followed where my face was facing at and seen her too.

I still remained silent. Just lost in my chaotic brainy thoughts.
"This is not good." Vold just frankly stated.
I know he's probably expecting me to say or do something but I just feel everything is numb. Am just glued there. Staring. This is not happening.

The woman I gave my all. My heart. My attention. My good. My goals. My dreams. My whole everything I had then. I just can't still believe. The same woman who trashed me out, took my everything, backbit on me when I just was the one who was there for her, broke my heart and left me hollow. Ruined the good-nice me.
Braxton​ is just at the entrance of the club. Memories started to flash in-out then all of a sudden I felt disgust and turned to face Void.

"Let's leave."
He just nodded. We grabbed Lyre and left through the back door.

Vold was kind enough to drive me home. Not that minded to drive myself but he insisted. My apartment is grave-silent and that thrilled me. I need to relax.

I put music on to kill that tension mode, took a bottle of beer from my fridge and grabbed my phone. Tweets started flowing in.
Lots of tweets.
Very weird.

*Braxy is back in town.

*Queen of all. Can't believe she's back.

*She's quite thinner. Saw her at Paws Club minutes ago.

*Damn she looks fine as hell.

*I can smell trouble. Where the heck has she been at anyway?

Can't someone give me a break. Okay this is enough for the day. I desperately need to lie down and try bury all the rage that is draining me.

"You really need to calm your horses babe. It's just for a week only."
I frankly stated at Brax who is now jumpy.
For the past few weeks we've been in severe arguments with her so I figured out we needed a vacation. Just us two. Spend time together work out on our relationship. She's has been the best I ever had and I feel she's the one. We've been dating for a year now and so far I can feel like am the luckiest guy.
Sometimes I think she's grumpy and asks for too much especially finances but can't help it but comply so as to put that sexy banana smile and red-burning blushful cheeks on her face. I just want to make her happy and be the best she's never had.
"We going to Finland. We going to Fiji Fiji is...land. Yeeeiy! Honey you the yummiest."
She mumbled softly on my ears and I just closed my eyes lost in her mint warm breath caressing my ear structure. Damn I love this woman every single day.
"Ggrr! Come here you sexy banana." I grabbed her waist as I engulfed her into my arms.
"Pwahaha Banana? Are you for real?" She chuckled on my chest.
What will I ever do without this priceless gift.

Before I know it my eyes were so heavy and I was just drifting off to the only place that I don't usually have emotions nor thoughts. Slumber land.


Mars' POV

I hear some movements outside the window. The fact that's there's a total stranger at our doorstep gave me uneasiness so I decided to peek at the window just to check everything is fine.

Okay. Just faked the movements thing. Couldn't help but just admire his perfections. He's so damn hot. Has a well structured jawline, short-curled hair, steady cheeks, stunning hazel eyes, cute cute lips, from a far look I can see he has a broad chest and admirable biceps.

He's definitely a playboy. I mean let's reason out. Isn't that the main reason why men go for work out in gyms so as to get what girls admire to find in a guy?

Ooh great. Cumber is back. At least I'll have the rhetoric questions finally answered. I observed her as she moves toward the house and spot 'the stranger'. She expresses no emotion at all. That is so weird.

Buzzz! buzzzz!
My phone rings in my pocket and startles me out of the peeking activity. I grab it irritated who might be ruining some serious moment.

Oh great.
Damn should I ignore the call or should I pick it?
I've shoved him off for a month now he probably must be so sick of me. But what's the point of picking if I already know the reason for his calls.
Okay let me stop bitching around and face my problems.

"Uuh hi Alv.. "

"Really now Mars! It's now a month and you haven't cleared your debt." He angrily interrupts my calm greetings.

"I can explain. I need more time please. Haven't got a job yet."

"No. Ain't taking in your stupid lame excuses. If you don't pay it up by the end of next week, I guarantee you, you won't like it." He harshly warns.

This is not good. I know what his capable to do. I don't like having debts but this one was the worst mistake I ever did to lend it. I have to find a job asap which remind me about dad's news a while ago.
I should call him.

Cumber walks into the house as Andre leaves off.

"Heey hun, are you okay?" I ask rubbing her hands. She just worriedly eye signals me to help her put Ash to bed and so I did that.

They say being a parent is like being the one to remove a spider in a room. I don't know if that's true but to me Ash is a cool kid. She's quite an easy one that is from my perspective as her auntie.
To be honest, am not ready for such a responsibility now especially when I have so much going on in my mind. It is also advised and I quote "Don't let sex turn you into a mother before love turns you into a wife."

"What did Andre want? What's wrong you look perplexed." I worriedly enquired.

"I have to leave go home for quite a while. Dad wants to divorce mum."

Hi candies 🍭,
I know many of you would find it cliché but seriously am like Lance. I never dream. I just sleep and wake up. Is it only me?
I also want to dedicate this chapter to you who's reading for the great support to this journey. Lol :)

Hope you guys love it. Gives me your thoughts on this chapter. Promise next chapter will be livelier :p

wynnemsorh 💕

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