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Mars' POV

Am so crystal clear he didn't expect that at all from his shocked facial nevertheless he didn't hesitate to toast up to it.

"I should probably fill my glass or else voodoo haunts me down for toasting with an empty glass."
He softly chuckles.

I couldn't help but chuckle back. Lol, and Mr Jones son is a messy being.

"We don't want that to happen. Can't witness death yet its not yet Halloween."
I added as we walked by the garden heading back.

"Jeepers creeper?"
He gazed at me as if in optimism.

Sorry boy. That guy ain't scary enough.

"Naah more of joker."
I smiled.

"Whoa! And you also have a dark heart."
He shook his head as if in worry and i couldn't just withhold the whole 'act' thing.

I busted out in laughter.
Can't remember the last time a man made me laugh this hard.

"Heard you were sick beginning of this week. Hope you feeling better."
He softly utters as he fills our wine glasses.

Oh fuck! Cass told him. It was the day i was moving out. Well i had to lie. I wasn't genius enough to figure out another better lie to cover up that day.

"It wasn't a serious one. Just flu but am now good. Thanks for the concern."
I carefully let the burning lie slip out of my lips.

It was almost 1am and i was so tired. I decided to call a curb to take me home so i looked around and saw Lance busy talking with some colleagues. I opted not to make this whole 'friendship' thing too serious so i grabbed my clutch and strategically moved out of the house.
For all i know, i have kissed him twice as i have been told, not to forget to mention in all cases i was tanked up. So that has definitely no vote of that friendship move. Its better of not to over think about it.

As soon as the curb arrived, i popped in and leaned back at the seat remembering all the silly jokes he cracked.

Lord! Am sure like heck am now smiling stupidly at myself like a mentally challenged individual.
He was one of the men who destroyed my night that day i drunk by myself at the bar and ended up in a hospital.
Oh shit!

I paid off and lazily climbed the stairs to my apartment. Once inside, i tossed my bag on the couch and threw myself on the bigger couch.
Staring at the ceiling, my eyes started to shutting off and before i knew it, i had passed off on the couch.


"I really appreciate for the help. Thanks."
I wore a genuine smile at Cass as she hands me some documents of the updates on the market performance of the enterprise for a period of two weeks. She surely saved my ass.

"Just doing my job. You greatly welcomed though."
She winked as she walked out of my office.

"Ooh and before i forget, there will be a meeting of every staff at the conference room in about two hours and a half from now."
She added.

"Is there something wrong? Or does it just happen often. The general meeting that is."
I couldn't help but just ask for clarity.
Since i came here there haven't been any 'meeting of all staffs'.

"I honestly don't know but Mr Jones just told me to announce it to every employee."
She shrugged as she closed the door behind her.

Wait! So Mr Jones is back? A meeting!
Probably he just wants to announce something important or whatever the case.

I shoved off the over thinking protocol and continued with my today's tasks.

I glanced at the watch, a quarter to the 'meeting'.
Oh great! I could've forgotten about it.

I took advantage of those minutes and rushed off to the rest rooms. I fixed myself a bit, contented i rushed to the conference room.

Great! Am the late one.

I slowly crept into the room but it was to no use. I was already spotted from the already 'all eyes on me' so i just faintly smiled as i walked to the nearest empty chair.

"Am glad you all could make it. As you all know, i was ...."

And my focus immediately  shifted from Mr Jones to Lance.
Damn! He looks smoking hot in that checked shirt that is showing off his well worked out abs. His blue eyes are killing.
Fuck! How he's moving his hand on his messy hair, his serious look at the documents in front of him, his lips. All that came to my mind is his breathtaking seductive kiss. Kisses. He's one hell of a god.

I don't know for how long i was stalking at him but as soon as his eyes shifted to my side, i nervously looked the other way.
Shit! i hope he did catch me staring.

After that encounter, i don't know where my concentration flew to but i just went blank. I just stared at Mr Cray as he conducted the meeting.

Once the meeting was off, i steadily stood and focused on getting out of this room but was stopped by Megan.

"Well someone is not good at time keeping for meetings."
She chuckles with a lit facial.

"Oh please. Don't even remind me."
I answered back with rolling eyes.

"Catch up later."
She taps my shoulder as she moves towards where the board members were standing.

As soon as i saw whom she had hurriedly rushed to go meet, i met eye to eye with him.
This is so not happening.

I looked away and started pacing out of the room. As soon as i was out, i heard my name from behind.

"Miss Greyson."
Without hesitating, i turned hoping its not the only person i think it is.

Shocked he had caught up with me after that weird eye contact at the room, embarrassingly i just stared at him blankly.

"Do you have a minute?" He hoarsely asked.

"Yes. Sure." I answered back.

"Do you know its not good to be leaving friends at the party without a goodbye?"
He giggles as we took a turn at the corner.

"Well i didn't figure you worth for. You know!"
I shrugged.

"I did catch you staring at me in the meeting. Is my beard too overgrown?"
Smirking, he stretched his hand scratching his small beard that clearly looks that has been trimmed like a week ago. So clearly he is just teasing.

"I-I was admiring the designer look you wore today. Quite classic."
I hesitated but sure tried my best to be steady-confident enough to be true.

Guess he bought it since he changed the topic.
"Can we hang out later on the weekend? I mean as friends?"


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