25° Confessions and Fit in.

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Mars' POV

"Yes he is the one. Wait, you know him?"

A sting in my head.
Why would this jerk go off limits?
I promised we get this over with tomorrow.

"Yes i know him. He is a dangerous guy hun. You don't wanna be near him trust me."
Tensed i warned her.

"What? You messing up with me, right? You ain't even happy for me I've got a job? Now you want me to believe you over this crap?"
She snapped.

"No. I don't mean it that way. Its complicated."

Should i tell her? I have kept it a secret for years now and it would break her that i didn't tell her then. Why should i do that to her?

"Don't be a bitch. Never took you as one. So spit it out. What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you. Just trust me love. Its for the better."

"You know what, fuck you Mars. Did he offer you that job too? Huh?" 

I hate when we start to have such fights. To hell. She deserves to know it. I will take whatever outcome comes my way.

"Just hear me out, will you? Please."
She sat down at the opposite couch, hands crossed, firmly attentive to whatever i have to say.

"It was when we were third years at campus when i met him at Sam's graduation. That was when we were so broke and i really wanted to give Sam a present, i mean he meant so much to you and i couldn't stand everyone giving him something and i was empty handed."

I paused. Bitterness of this retrieval memories are choking me out from the inside.

"I did something i regret day in day out." I deeply swallowed the bitter lump in my gut.

"I knew he loved a gothic type of watch. I stole one from Alvin who was the dushbag senior. He caught me red-handed. He let me get away with it but with a price."

I felt hot tears drop down on my now pink cheeks. Strongly i wiped them off, trying to contain myself.

"I had to be his fuck buddy or pay him some huge money which by then i couldn't manage to raise so i had no other option. The 'thing' went for months then he got suspended from our campus. I thought all my problems were bygones but after we finished, we bumped into each other."


"He continued to threaten me and as a bully as he is, i knew if i didn't comply i might cause harm to  every one i care about. Am sorry."

She came on my side and drew me into her embrace as i cried out like a kid.

"Am so sorry you had to deal with this alone. Wish you could've told me babe. You know i always have your back no matter what."
She comforts.

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