what if we're waiting for the wrong people,
what if the people we need are the ones in front of us,
not the ones we're waiting for.
what if the people we love are the wrong people,
what if we spend our lives loving the wrong people,
instead of the right people,
the ones who deserve it.
if that is the case,
then why can't we let go of these people?
the 'wrong' people.
just maybe.
you're their right person,
right now they need you,
but your too busy looking for your 'right' person.
just maybe,
that 'wrong' person needs you,
your the 'right' one to them,
so you should help them,
but you,
you ignore them because you can't put your own wishes aside just to help someone else,
someone who needs a friend.
you choose not to help,
because you want your 'right' person.
so you just abandon them.
to deal with shit on their own.
'what a fool'