leave and go as you please

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my beautiful surrounding are loosing their beauty and they're falling into a darkness.
the vivid colours, the exotic smells, the taste in air and the textures that I once loved, ones that overpowered my senses,
all of them gone.
im now starting to see the world and it's true colours.
Sadly, I've seen a change in people.
MY people.
they don't care anymore.
as much as they say they do,
they don't.
they don't give a damn.
but it's better this way,
it's better so I can't hurt them.
I don't want to hurt them.
I know that I will.
unintentionally, but it still hurts them just as much.
I don't want to hurt them,
and I try so hard not to but sometimes it just happens.
something will slip out of my mouth or an action will be taken in the way it was not intended,
and I'll hurt them.
please don't get close,
it hurts.
but I can't help it.
please leave and go as you please

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