VII - I hope we find him

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Lance was getting ready for the day. It has now been 2 phoebes since he left Voltron, and his hair showed it. In the castle, Lane usually got pidge to cut it weekly, but now, it's started to grow out. Lance stood in front of his mirror, the one furthest away from the door, and absent-mindedly twirled his dark chestnut brown hair, hoping he didn't look too much like mullet-head. Over the past few months, Lance has gotten to know the prince of the Galra. He was nothing like his father, and Lance was able to relate with Lotor on the mistreatment from their parents. Lance has been with Lotor day-round, getting to know him, or just because he didn't feel welcome much anywhere else. The generals were nice to him, minus the exception of Acxa, who made her opinion on Lotor having a human general quite clear.

Lance went back to the bedroom, and sat down with his current read, The Fault in our stars. Lance was helpless romantic, and proud. As he finishes the book, he notices the blotches on the page; he didn't even realize he was crying. "Augustus Waters died eight days after his funeral, at Memorial, in the ICU, when the cancer, which was made of him, finally stopped his heart, which was also made of him." Lance read the quote aloud, silently praying g that if he ever did fall in love, neither he nor his love would die anytime soon.

Lance was always the type to admit when he was crushing, and he could tell that he was falling for the prince, hard. As the days go by, Lance wonders what he would do if Voltron did save him, would he be able to go back? Would he be able to fight against Lotor? The only man in the universe to make him feel safe? As Lance is having these thoughts, he decided to explore the ship. As he exits the door, he turns right, to go check out the information center. Lance had on a bracelet that allowed him anywhere in the ship he wanted. The bracelet was black with purple buttons, and a bright shimmering purple jewel. After some walking, the alarms turned on, signaling to lance that the Galra were under attack. Lance looked around frantically to see a blue whip crack out and take down a Galra soldier. When the wielder of the whip stepped around the corner, lance found himself running towards them, to let them know he was safe.

When lance was within listening distance, he heard Allura shout, "Pidge! Look through the ships information to see if you can get any Intel on his location!" pidge shouted her acknowledgement to the princess, and then got to work. Lance ran toward them, to tell them he was safe, when he heard pidge mumble something that stopped him in his tracks. "I hope Hunks okay, princess, were going to find him, right?" before Allura could respond, she saw Lance in her peripheral vision. Lance was surprised to see hatred, and scared when he saw the glowing whip lash out at him. He looked at himself, and realized he was in his general armor. All lance remembered was a searing pain as the whip latched itself around him. Capturing him in its painful grasp.

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